
Denis Mulcahy

By Paddy McCarthy

I was at the wonderful Cupsoque Beach, Westhampton over the weekend as I was Out&About in Long Island. There’s a boardwalk, food shack, restrooms, plentyof space to set up for the day, lifeguards on duty, seashells, dunes, camping and an inlet at the far west end. The bayside is accessible from the parking lot as well.

On our drive I was blown away to see all the beautiful homes on Dune Road, boy was I glad I brought my bucket and shovel as the weather was fabulous; I know what you’re saying, I wish I was there, ha, ha. You must remember its all part of my job, ah, I love it. Now that you’ve heard me tell it go and visit as it is as good as you get anywhere in the world, and remember I told you so.

I have to say that nothing makes memories like being Out&About and enjoying the summer in the Hamptons with my family even though its only for a day. I can only tell you this, that it is just beautiful out there and it was my first time to ever visit the Hamptons. So now I know why the rich and famous visit and live there as well; as I said, it is beautifully. Now don’t be thinking that I can because I can’t as I am not one of them, well we all can’t be, isn’t that right?

If you are after planning a trip to Ireland and you are in the Munster aera and would like to patronize Cork City on your travels how about going to a dinner at the Rochestown Park Hotel. There will be a lot of Irish and Irish Americans there to honor to two great Irish people who have done so much for Ireland in their huge charitable ways and they are Denis Mulcahy and Maureen Forrest who are being honored.

Here I am going to give you the details and also some information on Denis and Maureen who deserve all the respect in the world so do your very best to be part of this great homecoming. County Cork BP&P Association said: “This summer we will be hosting our Cork Dinner Dance in Douglas, Cork City on Saturday, August 12 at the Rochestown Park Hotel. It will be $80 per person. Call or email hotel for reservations at: res@rochestownpark.com. [There’s a discount hotel rate if you mention the NY Cork Association.]

“This event will require a lot of work and we are looking to our whole membership to make it a success and fill tables.”

Denis Mulcahy is the man behind the unbelievable project that deserves so much to be honored yes, the Project Children initiative. Project Children was established in 1975 and aimed to bring children from Northern Ireland, who were affected by the conflict known as ‘The Troubles,’ to the United States for a summer away from the violence and tension in their home country.

The project’s primary goal was to foster mutual understanding and peace-building among the young participants from different communities in Northern Ireland. The initiative provided a safe and supportive environment for the children to experience a different culture, engage in recreational activities, and form friendships with peers from both sides of the sectarian divide.

It was seen as a grassroots effort to promote peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland during a particularly turbulent period in its history.

In March of 1994, Denis was chosen as one of the top 100 Irish Americans of the Year, receiving an award from the former Taoiseach Albert Reynolds. He was also a guest of President Clinton at the St. Patrick’s Day celebration at the White House. In 1995 Denis received the Top Cop Award in Washington DC by Vice President Al Gore.

In November of 1995, President Clinton asked Denis to join him on his historic trip to Northern Ireland. In that same year ABC News named him Person of the Week. The World of Hibernia considers him one of fifty “SuperIrish”. In 1996 the NYC Police Department Emerald Society honored Denis as Man of the Year .

The other honoree is none other than Maureen Forrest an accomplished woman who founded the HOPE Foundation and has helped countless people. Just a few of HOPE’s major achievements (from Maureen’s extensive bio): 2.7 million individuals across Kolkata now have access to healthcare services through HOPE interventions in 35 slum communities, including 97,000+ who have been treated in HOPE Hospital. More than 55,000 children have received educational support through HOPE’s crèches, Nabo Asha centers, and educational sponsorship and Holistic Education Program. More than 8,800 children have been protected from abuse and neglect by HOPE’s Protection Homes and Child Watch and Anti-Trafficking Programs.

So, you can see this is going to be a wonderful evening where friends will meet friends. The Project Children story documentary “How to defuse a Bomb” will also be shown in The Pav on Friday August 11 at 6.30 pm as part of the Cork Association’s visit to Cork City.

Hope to see you all again next week when I am Out&About again.