Women Suffering from Cervical Cancer to be given Pembro

Women suffering with cervical cancer are to be offered the drug Pembro for their treatment after a high profile campaign.

The drug had only been available to the victims of the CervicalCheck scandal until now.

Doctors will be able to offer it on a case by case basis if they deem it could help the woman.

The cost will be footed by the State and it will only be available to cervical cancer sufferers.

Labour’s Health Spokesperson said he was “delighted” with the news, as did Vicky Phelan, who thanked Mr Kelly for his “perseverance and dedication”.

The announcement comes after it emerged today that several smear tests carried out last year will have to be repeated.

This is due to some of the tests expiring because of a backlog in the program, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar told the Dáil.

Not all the women affected have been informed as yet.

Last year, it was announced that every woman in Ireland would have the opportunity to avail of free smear tests.

Mr Varadkar said today that these had been offered in good faith, but he understood that this had subsequently placed a lot of pressure on the program.