Alzheimer’s Society Claims Harris Won’t Meet Them

People with Alzeimer’s and their carers say they are being ignored by the Minister for Health.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland says that is why it is holding an emergency meeting in Dublin today to call for funding for those with the disease and those who look after them.

CEO, Pat McLoughlin, accuses both Minister for Health, Simon Harris, and Minister for Older People, Jim Daly, of ignoring the plight of people with Alzheimer’s after stating publicly that “dementia was a key priority”.

Pat McLoughlin says the people meeting today are very angry at being ignored.

“There’s a lot of anger from people with dementia and their carers, they believe that they’ve been ignored with the Sláintecare report, they believe they’ve been ignored in the Budget, Minister Harris won’t agree to meet us,” said Mr McLoughlin.

“Really it’s their last opportunity to convince the minister to ensure that the HSE service plan for 2019 deals with dementia in a comprehensive way.”