
Gavin’s Irish Country Inn

By Paddy McCarthy

This week in my Out&About I am going to promote some friends of The Irish Examiner USA by promoting their very good benefits and I am very proud to do as they have been very good supporters of our project from day one. The first one came from George Heslin, Executive Director of the New York Irish Center: “Dear Friends, as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary, I am delighted to announce that John Fitzpatrick and the Committee at the Eithne & Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund have selected the New York Irish Center as a signature beneficiary of their 30th Anniversary Memorial Golf Tournament, which is scheduled for Monday, May 13 and will be held at one of the most prestigious private golf courses in the country, Sleepy Hollow Country Club. I invite you to join our community by considering one of the golf or sponsorship packages. 

“For 30 years the Eithne & Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund has raised millions of dollars in support of charities on both sides of the Atlantic and the New York Irish Center is honored to be one of this year’s recipients. For more information or to make a reservation at fitzpatrickmemorial.org.” 

Now want that very nice so now get out your sticks and bags and sign up as I’ve always supported the Eithne & Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund since I started publishing a good few years now and I’m still learning how to play golf; ah, some day I’ll get it right, or maybe George or John might teach me the right way.

Now I am going also promote another very big request that I hope will succeed in the coming weeks or months. As I’ve said, anything that concerns Irish proprieties with suitable appropriateness then I’m there for them. So here we go: “It was recently announced that a popular upstate New York Irish-themed family resort doing business as Gavin’s Irish Country Inn (‘The Golden Hill House’) has been placed on the real estate market. The Golden Hill House, located in Greene County, has been a destination resort since it opened in the mid-1900s. Generations of Irish immigrants – and later their children and grandchildren – have been returning to this hamlet that is otherwise known as the “Irish Alps.” The town of East Durham is famous for the festive spirit of Irish music and dance; the shamrocks painted on the main road passing through the town (Route 145); shops dedicated to the sale of food, drink, sweets and Irish clothing/knitwear from the Emerald Isle; restaurants where fine Irish cuisine – including meals, teas and scones – are served; an Irish cultural center that hosts multiple popular and packed Celtic festivals each year; and a Catholic shrine named after Our Lady of Knock, which was built upon donations of the returning resort guests who considered East Durham their little ‘home away from their Irish home.’

“Notwithstanding the pandemic, East Durham has experienced a resurgence in the past few years, with packed festivals and Irish themed events bringing ‘sold out’ crowds to the town’s resorts and into local businesses. Since news of the sale became public, a realtor involved in the efforts to sell the property stated that an offer for the purchase of the property was made and accepted; however, neither deposit had been received nor contract executed.

“It has been communicated that the interested party does not intend to continue The Golden Hill House as a hotel/resort. These recent events have caught the attention of thousands of families familiar with East Durham and The Golden Hill House.

“A community-based, grass-roots effort has been commenced in the past week with the goal to purchase the property and continue its operation for future generations as a family Irish resort. This effort has garnered a remarkable amount of attention of various social media platforms.

“‘This unconventional, ‘thinking outside the box’ campaign is a fantastic example of community coming together to continue the brilliant legacy of a family that has been in this town since it became a hub for the Irish in the northeast United States,’ said Helen Emmer from Long Island. Internationally-known Irish American entertainer, Andy Cooney and entertainment specialist/hospitality professional/booking agent/producer Seamus Balfe have spearheaded a GoFundMe campaign to purchase the family run 50-60 room resort/hotel. In its first few days, the campaign has received over 100 donations in excess of $25,000 from donors across the United States.

“‘This is a brilliant idea. My grandparents were immigrants, and I spent a week every summer in the Golden Hill House growing up. It was there as a child I learned how to dance a waltz and do the Stack of Barley and The Highland Fling,’ said Sheila O’Hagan McGirl, a Delaware resident and long-time guest of the resort, ‘Now, every summer my kids join us in the Catskills for a reunion, to celebrate our Irish heritage and family. I am thrilled to be a part of this campaign to see that tradition continue.’

“‘I wish I were able to purchase this historic destination property outright,’ said Andy. ‘I got to thinking of ways to continue the brilliant legacy of the Gavin family and The Golden Hill House. Although unconventional, the GoFundMe campaign makes perfect sense. Since its launch a few days ago, thousands have reached out to me to voice their support and appreciation for the opportunity to become a part of the solution, and to both contribute to the future of and honor the rich history of this beautiful hotel that has accommodated so well America’s Irish community for generations.’

“Recently, Andy and Seamus Balfe worked together contributed greatly to the resurgence of East Durham by successfully organizing the East Durham Irish Festival after years of the COVID-19 shutdown.

“‘We had a great success producing the festival in 2022 and 2023. We will couple our energy with the energy of our contributors. We also have this remarkable love for and deep roots in for the Irish Alps, and the skills and passion to continue The Golden Hill House as a resort hotel for generations to come,’ said Seamus.”

The GoFundMe 30-day campaign has a stated goal of $2,500,000 to go to the purchase The Golden Hill House, which includes more than 20 acres of land with a stream and waterfall on the property. Seamus and Andy believe that “with the community coming together – one donation at a time – we can raise the funds required to purchase this resort and pristine property.”

According to the GoFundMe campaign, any donations of $500 or higher will be credited towards the donors’ stays at the resort; donations of any amount are accepted. In and around April 15th, Andy and Seamus will assess the status of the campaign to determine whether additional financing can be obtained to purchase the property.

According to Andy, “If the campaign is unsuccessful and we are unable to purchase The Golden Hill House, every dime of every donation will be returned. In fact, GoFundMe controls the donations; refunds are easily processed.” According to the GoFundMe campaign, funds received in excess of the $2.5 million will be invested into the property, to improve the guest experience and continue The Golden Hill House’s rich history as a destination Irish resort for generations to come.

For more information, call Andy Cooney/Mill Pond Music at (516) 798-3014. The GoFundMe campaign link is here: www.gofundme.com/f/eastdurham.

Now I’ve done my part for both of these two well worth events now its your time to step up and do the same and I know you will, why? Because that’s who we are!

Lord Mayor of Cork City Kieran McCarthy paid a visit to Ellis Island and viewed the Annie Moore statue on his recent visit to New York City

On his recent visit to New York City the Lord Mayor of Cork City Kieran McCarthy paid a visit to Ellis Island and viewed the Annie Moore statue, the first immigrant on display in the Ellis Island Museum. Annie Moore is honored by two statues by Jeanne Rynhart. The other sculpture is located in Cobh, County Cork, her port of departure to America.

Annie Moore was the first immigrant to be processed on Ellis Island. The 17-year-old girl traveling with her two younger  brothers on the SS Nevada arrived on January 1st, 1892 from Queenstown. That was so nice for the Cork Lord Mayor to make time to go and visit the island on his recent visit even  with his  a very busy schedule. Thank you so much.

That’s it for this week, see you all again next week when I am Out&About again and have a great Easter and don’t forget my Easter Egg…