
By Paddy McCarthy

What a week it has been Out&About so far as the temperature is in the 80’s and looks like it will be that way for the next few weeks. The beach is calling so I am going to head there this week and let you know all about it next week, no I won’t forget my bucket and shovel, ha ha.

I have been asked by a great friend of The Irish Examiner USA, Sean O’Dowd to give this announcement to you in my Out&About that is very well worth telling you about as is what we are about. He said “Please find attached a Save the Date for the J-1 Graduate Visa Workshop which will take place on July 26 from 1 pm to 2 pm (EST).  

“This workshop will provide J-1 visa holders insights on how to best prepare before they leave Ireland to maximize their chances of landing a job.  Hence the “Get Organized, Get Connected and Get Noticed”. 

“Nearly all the J-1s we have been involved with have fantastic backgrounds in education and work experience, we aim to have this workshop provide a little extra guidance to help them successfully navigate the NYC job scene.

The Irish Business Organization, which already has a page dedicated to J-1s, will utilize our network of contacts as will the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, however, I am sure there are other organizations and key people out there who will also be interested in having their members participate. 

“This will be a live event with a Q&A component at the end for participating visa holders. Here is a link for visa holders to register. J-1 Graduate Visa Workshop: ibonewyork.org/event-5341916. Please help us get the word out!”

I can tell you this that we here at The Irish Examiner USA will always support any time to help the Graduate Visa Workshop.

Here I am giving you some news that just came across my desk after our last issue was already published on our social media platforms. I am so sad to hear the news that I would like you to know that one of our competitors have ceased to print its publication.

The Irish Voice Newspaper has closed its printing after 36 years publishing. I am personally so sorry to hear that as it was where it all started for me. I got a job in advertising on a part time basis from both founders Joe Murphy, RIP, and Niall O’Dowd who at the time were owners of The Irish Voice. I have to thank both of them for my introduction into to the media business as they both taught me quite a lot as you can see.

I will always respect them as they too were immigrants like myself, one was from County Cork and the other from County Tipperary and created an empire in the Irish community.

Niall O’Dowd is so right about a lot of aspects on printing and revenue in printing as the whole world changed starting in the early 2000s and I should know that very well. The newspaper industry has now gone to social media, so much so that The Irish Examiner USA newspaper itself changed from print to website and digital that has proven to be very successful in many ways.

The good news is that O’Dowd launched a very success website, Irish Central. All news and updates going forward will be found on IrishCentral.com, founded by the Irish Voice in 2009.

From what I have been told, Niall’s own column will also appear on the Irish Central website. He did sell it to investors, one of them being the Irish Echo’s publisher Mr Ó Muilleoir who is a shareholder in Irish Central. We here at The Irish Examiner USA wish them all the best in the future as I am sure it all works out okay for everyone concerned.

Hope to see you all again next week when I am Out&About again.