
The Irish Rep held their 2023 Gala at The Town Hall on Monday night (James Higgins)

By Paddy McCarthy

I had the privilege of been invited to The Irish Repertory Theatre’s 2023 Gala on Monday at The Town Hall (123 West 43rd Street, between Broadway and Sixth Avenue). I must say that it was one of the most professional presentations that I have been at for a long time and I have been to many. The theme of the gala was “All My Loving, The lyrics of Paul McCartney” and the show was introduced by Paul Muldoon and directed by Charlotte Moore.

On the evening they presented a Special Visionary Leadership Award to Simon Lorne. It was fabulous from start to finish with a full orchestra, conducted and directed by John Bell who were only brilliant. The cast on the night who’ve performed at one time or another on The Irish Repertory Theatre stage were star quality.

Here are some of the artists that performed at the Gala: Reeve Carney, Michael Cerveris, Kerry Conte, Jonathan Christopher, Melissa Erica, Katharyn Gallagher, Peter Gallagher, Amber Gray, John Keating, The Kennedys, Kylie Kuioka, Michael Melamphy, Ciaran Sheehan and Gary Troy.

There was also a huge Chorus that were brilliant and the person who was making sure that it all went well was Gala Chair Jay Clayton. I also can’t forget the man who had his eyes on all that was happening and also took to the stage at times was Ciarán O’Reilly, Irish Rep’s Artistic Director so you can imagine how excited I was to be invited, wow!

The great thing about this event I get to meet some great people like Loretta Brennan Glucksman, who is always there to support the arts, David O’Sullivan, Executive Director of The Ireland-US Council, how can I not forget one of the most popular radio hosts on Irish Radio Network USA, Adrian Flannelly and also Aine Sheridan from Flannelly Promotions who is also a perfect host and so nice to meet when I’m Out&About. There was so many guests I got to meet only I really could not name them all as I would run out room.

Paddy McCarthy, Noelle Clancy and Ciarán O’Reilly at the cocktail reception before the Irish Rep’s 2023 Gala (James Higgins)

I nearly forgot, I was Out&About last Friday and I did a bit of bar hopping, well somebody has to do it. I stopped at Niall’s Irish Pub on 52nd Street and got to meet Niall Moran himself, the proprietor. You have to visit this pub as it’s just like a pub at home in Ireland and what a pint of Guinness, it was so good that had another one; all part of the job, ha ha!

I then headed down to Stitch Bar & Blues Lounge in the Garment District to meet Nicholas Cohen. Yes, he was there only he was getting ready for a practice run as Nicholas is a famous marathon runner as well as owning two bars and restaurants in the Garment District, but we had time for a cocktail there and I then went over to view a new Irish bar and restaurant called O’Casey’s on Broadway that is on 46th Street, right off Broadway with owner Paul Hurley.

This man is the comeback guru as he always seems to find one of the best spots in New York City to open an Irish pub and it seems to have taken off very well. The ground floor is now flourishing and he is working on the second floor and rooftop bar as he has had some great attractions from the casts and employees from the Broadway theater shows.

I then on my went to a place called The Bar in Penn Station before I boarded my train to Long Island to meet Anthony Malone who is a partner there and also at Swift Hibernian Lounge downtown on 4th Street that needs no introduction as it is well known in the Irish community. Anthony is what you call a professional host as he will always find time to have a chat and makes you more comfortable while having a cold one as the pint is always perfect there.

What a very nice turnout there was to honor a great man, the late John Browne who has had a street named after him. He was a gentleman who was loved by all who crossed his path as he was so humble about his success and never turned anyone away who need his help. He was also the past President of the Cork Association, a truly great man who was greatly admired and loved by so many.

The ceremony naming the street outside his old establishment, The Grandstand in Elmhurst, Queens, “John Browne Way” after him was held last Saturday. All the faithful friends and members of the Cork Association turned out to honor him as he is solely missed by all, RIP. 

Hope to see you all again next week when I am Out&About again.