Suzanne Giachinta, Stonewall Stables, Making A Difference One Life At A Time

Eamonn on the tractor under the supervision of Suzanne

By Patrick O’Halloran

Stonewall Stables located in picturesque Cold Spring New York’s Hudson Valley is a heavenly treasure, an oasis to a very special group. 

A typical Saturday morning when most families are fast asleep, Stonewall Stables is a hive of activity. “Eamonn we will first take Nugget for a warm up trot and then we will use the tractor to spread the manure on the back lawns.” Eamonn smiles approvingly.

The delicate way these instructions are related to Eamonn by Suzanne is ever so reassuring to a young boy who faces the daily challenges of high functioning autism.

While completing the chores, the therapeutic interaction with the genteel horses, is totally enhanced by the tail wagging of Suzanne’s dogs Brooklyn and Brody, even the nearby hens give their approval by the softness of their silence.

One can feel the tranquility as Miss Amber Bayly (staff member) greets the arriving children and their parents. “Can I help polish Molly’s shoes this morning?” asks 5-year Ann, “I am sure Molly will love that, let’s go and let her know” replies Amber in a soft, warm tone.

Within minutes Molly is standing approvingly while Ann applies a light black polish to Molly’s hoofs.

As Suzanne is placing the riding saddle on Cassidy, a young mother approaches her with a very concerned look on her face. “Suzanne my daughter just had a meltdown, I think it is best if we skip today.” Suzanne with her ever so reassuring smile replies, “do not worry, I have raised four daughters, have five grandchildren, trust me, I have dealt with a great deal more than a little girl being a little frazzled on a Saturday morning.”

The verbiage that Suzanne uses is so reassuring not alone to the young mother but to everyone present, staff members, children, adults, volunteers and most importantly to the parents.

One can almost feel the sigh of relief from the parents to know that their children are in very safe hands with Suzanne and her staff.

Within minutes, the little girl excitingly announces to her mother, “Look at me mommy I going to give Bella her breakfast.”

Suzanne and her team both two and four legged, making a difference, one life at a time. 

Suzanne Giachinta with her youthful disposition, ever constant smile, the love of what she does, the realization that she continues to improve the trajectory of individuals and their families that deal with special needs is a true role model.
Suzanne goes about her day without any fanfare. She is focused, caring and reassuring to all who interacts with her.

Suzanne Giachinta is making a positive difference in the life of so many people and at the same time making the world a better place. In today’s world we truly need more people like Suzanne. 

Volunteers Connie, Leslie and Linda play a very important role, they act as a mirror image for the children and adults correlated to their caring and empathetic dispositions, amazing role models for so many. 

As a PATH Therapeutic Certified Riding instructor, EAGAlA Equine Specialist and Equi-Yoga Specialist, Miss Suzanne Giachinta works with therapists and mental health professionals directly relating to individuals and groups needs through equine assisted therapies and activities for special needs children and adults.

As a result of Stonewall Stables ongoing research under the direct supervision of Suzanne and her certified staff members, Amber Bayly, Serafina Morreale, and Krista Morris, Stonewall Stables is in a position to implement personalized individual templates.

The Stables also hosts Summer camps, wellness clinics, ground based programs working with families and veterans affected by addiction as well as children and adults struggling with life issues. 

Stonewall Stables is located at 10 Pond Road, Cold Spring, NY 10516
Open Monday to Friday 9 am to 6 pm, Saturday 8 am to 3 pm
Phone (845) 224-6399