Sinn Féin’s Support Continues To Rise According To Latest Polling

Sinn Féin now has the support of more people that Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil combined (PA)

Sinn Féin remains the most popular political party in Ireland, according to the latest polling.

A Business Post/Red C poll shows support for Mary Lou McDonald’s party is up two points to 36 per cent.

That means the party has overtaken the combined total of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil.

Fine Gael found its support dropping a point to 20 per cent, while Fianna Fáil also dropped by a point to 15 per cent.

The polling figures come after Sinn Féin emerged as the largest party following the Assembly elections in the North earlier this month.

According to the poll, the Green Party is on 5 per cent support.

Backing for Independent TDs sits at 11 per cent.


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, led by new leader Ivana Bacik, has support at 3 per cent.

The poll puts support for the Social Democrats at 4 per cent.

People Before Profit-Solidarity remains at 3 per cent, while Aontu is at 2 per cent.

The Red C poll was based on interviews with a random sample of 1,002 adults aged 18 and over between May 20th and May 25th.