
By Paddy McCarthy

As you all know that I get a great privilege of writing my Out&About each week to give you a little bit of gossip and more. This week I got some bad news from Ireland from Ronnie McGinn, manager of the famous Dixies Showband that played all over the world and dance halls the length and breadth of Ireland. Ronnie for that matter was also my manager in the music business when I first started and guided me in the right direction. Now sent me news of Sean Lucey (and believe it or not it’s also the second anniversary of the death of the lead singer of The Dixies’ Terry McCarthy, RIP who I also had the privilege of playing for many years): “The Showband world with its many happy memories lost one of their stalwarts last Wednesday with the passing of The Dixies’ Sean Lucey. Sean played saxophone and clarinet and was a founder member and band leader of the Dixies from 1954 until their final appearance in Falling for a Dancer in 1998. For all those years, whether it was Carnegie Hall, Las Vegas, The Arcadia or any of the thousands of venues the appeared in, Sean kept a low profile but it was his hand that was always on the wheel. Sean passed away at his home in Ballinlough, Cork, Ireland in the presence of his wife and family. Our deepest sympathy goes to all his family and many friends. RIP Sean!”

He was one of the most respected musicians in Ireland and had Brendan O’Brien and the original Dixies on top for many years with the likes of Joe Dolan, Brendan Bowyer, Dicky Rock, Larry Cunningham and many more who came to entertain the vast majority who danced to all of them during its popularity in the 60’s and 70’s in the Showband era.

I attended the Irish American Night that was held at Eisenhower Park on Monday evening, and what a blast it was as it was, well choreographed and presented with a lot of professionalship. it made me so proud of my heritage. They came in their hundreds to attend with beach chairs, blankets and everything else to watch this great show in comfort. I looked around and to see those happy faces I said to myself this is just beautiful and on a Monday night would you believe they came in their droves. The talent on the stage was as good as any Riverdance show from the musicians to the dancers it was just fabulous and gave my heart a tug and I mean that too.

I got to meet so many friends that I have not seen since the pandemic started and it was a joy to meet so many who turned up for this great Irish night. Onstage you had Tony Jackson, the Master of Ceremonies who always does a great job.

The great Tommy Mulvihill and Sean Quinn, what can I say? Only brilliant, then you had the Inis Fada Pipe Band who I love to hear at any event. Then the Clann Agus Caide Ceile Band that had them all clapping as they could not foot bang as it was on the grass. The Inis Fada Set Dancers never seem to disappoint, again just wonderful. To top the whole night the very professional Donny Golden School of Champion Irish Step Dancers and champions they were as I was blown away with their great talent. It was what I would call a splendid night and the guests of honor are all well known in the Irish Community.  The weather was with us and the Irish American Society of Nassau, Suffolk, and Queens did a great job. The Society organized the night, along with Nassau County Parks Commissioner Eileen Krieb and her staff. The Irish American Society had four honorees for the evening, Victor Cuneen, John Mahoney, Denis Walsh and our very own Eileen Cronin

It was also great to catch up with Jack O,Brien, President, Nassau County Board, Ancient Order of Hibernians; he was so hospitable to me and my friend Pete Scally, the “Coffee Man”, I have to mention his name, ha ha! 

The lady that always works behind the scenes was none other than Betty McLoughlin who always works tirelessly to make things happen. It was so nice to meet Noel and Tillie McPartland and family as Tillie’s granddaughter was one of the dancers so they were very proud. I got to meet so many people that I would take the whole paper if I had to print the names, but I must mention Timmy Myles, who was there to make sure everything went smoothly and it did too. Oh, what a night it was again, just superb and so good they should have one every week.

Garrett Doyle, from Kildare has done it again, opening East Durham’s iconic Five Furlongs Tavern.

Five Furlongs will have its Grand Opening on Thursday August 12th and all are welcome to pay it a visit and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

This is going to be the “in-spot” for all Irish and Irish Americans that love a little bit of Ireland here in America in East Durham,New York.

If you like to make a reservation you can call Five Furlongs at (917) 656-0674.

As many of you know, Garrett is also the proprietor of Tuttles on 2nd Avenue in New York City that also has a beautiful garden in the rear of it.

See you all again when I am Out&About…