
By Paddy McCarthy

Here is what I would call a beautiful suggestion and from people that want to do the right thing during this pandemic. I have to grant it to The USA Dance Alliance group who taken on a major undertaking in performing on the most popular day in the World, namely Saint Patrick’s Day. Seven Irish dance schools across five states are working together to create a festive routine for St Patrick’s Day to share with hospitals, nursing homes and organizations. The USA Irish Dance Alliance is a regional branch of An Chomhdhail, the biggest Irish dance governing body in Ireland. While St Patrick’s Day is always the busiest time of the year for Irish dancers, live performance opportunities have slowed down during the pandemic. The schools banded together to create a performance to distribute to places they would normally be visiting during this season to spread the spirit of St. Patrick. Aherne Sheehan School of NY, Fitzpatrick Academy of NY, Hagen Kavanagh School of NY, Lynn Academy of NY and NJ, O’Grady Quinlan Academy of NJ and PA, Sabo School of PA, and Thorne Academy of CT, met and danced for long hours on Zoom with choreographer Kelly Fitzpatrick, TCRG to learn a routine. Fitzpatrick said, “I was so impressed with each of these dancer’s drive and commitment to learn the routine. Their spirit of camaraderie was fantastic in a sport that at times can be very competitive. The students all worked toward one common goal to lift the spirits of many people who have been going through isolation, illness and other emotional distress during this pandemic.” 

Fallon O’Brien, age 11, of Fitzpatrick Academy was one of the dancers for the USA IDA team. She said, “This was a lot of hard work for weeks and weeks. It is all worth it to come together with my friends from different schools to bring a smile to people’s faces who need it!”

The students came together to film the performance in person the other day at Antun’s catering hall in Queens. Owner Mickey King offered his venue to the dancers when he heard about the project. He said,  “I am so happy to have the dancers here, it was even a little emotional. It is really great to see cultural art again. We are all starved for cultural events to return to our very safe space.”

If you wish to receive a performance video to share with your organization or people who want their spirits lifted, email media@usairishdancealliance.com. For more information on The USA Irish Dance Alliance, go to usairishdancealliance.com or follow them @usairishdancealliance on Facebook and Instagram. 

This St. Patrick’s Day world-class musicians, singers, and dancers will provide family-friendly fun with a “YouTube Premiere”. Frequently heralded by American press as “The Best Entertainment in NYC on St. Patrick’s Day,” Sober St. Patrick’s Day milestone celebration promises to be better than all of its previous, sold-out New York City parties. Large global audiences have already registered for the celebration of 10 years of “reclaiming the true spirit of St. Patrick’s Day.” SSPD is about changing the perception and experience from an occasion for binge drinking and misuse of alcohol to a celebration of the richness of Irish culture and the legacy of St. Patrick.

The SSPD’s 10th Anniversary Virtual Celebration will begin at 4pm in New York. Since it will be free and virtual this year, no one will be turned away! More information can be found at www.soberstpatricksday.org.

“In 2017 I was working with the Irish Arts Center which had launched its #GetLit campaign in support of gifting books across New York City on St. Patrick’s Day. That evening I attended my first Sober St. Patrick’s Day,” said Tami Ellen McLaughlin, SSPD’s Executive Director. “My St. Patrick’s Day that year was based on bookend events organized by folks committed to creating a positive image of Ireland, and in a safe and healthy environment on St. Patrick’s Day — I was hooked.”

“Many folks around the world will be looking for alternative ways to celebrate, and since they won’t be able to be out and about, we’re merging all of our other cities’ parties this year into one star-studded celebration via this YouTube Premiere,” said William Spencer Reilly, Founder and Chairman of Sober St. Patrick’s Day.

The SSPD 10th anniversary event will be co-hosted by Samantha Kelly and feature world class entertainment from John Whelan, Brian Conway, Arjun Ramachandran, Donie Carroll, Mary Courtney, Dylan Foley, Brendan Dolan, Jeffrey O’Sullivan, Liz Simmons and Flynn Cohen, together with performances from the Donny Golden School of Irish Dance.

I am not too sure if I’d be let into this event, but you never know as I could play the spoons or maybe the drums… we’ll see.

Well again the good news is things are looking up with this horrible pandemic seeming to be fading after it peaked a couple of weeks ago and I hope I am not talking out of two sides of my mouth and that this will all be gone soon. We have more suppliers of the vaccines now than ever before and I should know by now as I just got the second one. Now, now, now it’s not because I knew anyone it’s was just I was lucky when we made the phone call and there was a cancellation so guess what? Here comes Paddy and that’s the way it was.

Anyhow, back to what I was about to tell yea and that is that the bars and restaurants are now looking to go from 35% capacity to 75% capacity. Now again don’t hold me on that as it is only what I am told and I hope I’m right. I am fed up with the lockdowns and ready to meet and greet friends again when I am Out&About.

Goodbye for now and I’ll see you all next week for our special Saint Patrick’s Day issue and tell all your friends to link to The Irish Examiner USA at www.irishexaminerusa.com.