
By Paddy McCarthy

I am so proud to be able to acknowledge that the following came to me to wishing a Happy New Year from the Emerald Isle Immigration Center. The Irish Examiner acknowledges all the great work that Emerald Isle does in helping immigrants on to the right path with advice on green cards, citizenship, health care, jobs and more.

Here is some of the activity that I know has helped quite a lot of people and all thanks to them: “As this year and decade draws to a close we reflect on the many changes we have made to our lives this year. We can take comfort in the fact that we were able to help hundreds of individuals from all over the world apply for US citizenship; we have successfully helped many more hundreds of individuals and their families circumnavigate the process and apply for and research health care options; and we have directly provided hundreds of hours of social care case assistance and prepared many more for their future US citizenship application by providing them with ESL classes, tutoring and mentorship.

“This year brought us closer together in partnership with the work achieved through the Slainte initiative and we know there are further challenges ahead. We mourn those we have lost in this pandemic and we will strive to ensure that 2021 brings a healthy, hopeful future to those near and dear to us.

“We hope we have kept you informed through the past year of the many changes and updates regarding immigration rules and ever changing regulations, access to benefits, and helped simplify the myriad of challenges to attaining health insurance or, if you are a NYC resident, access to medical providers.

“We have maintained our availability to the general public while working remotely and ensuring staff are responsive to inquiries via phone, email, text, social media, and Zoom. We are grateful to still be in a position to assist those who need our help and guide them toward US Citizenship as the entire world continues to battle a global pandemic.

“We are so humbled by all those who have volunteered their time to us and to those who have contributed financially and already made donations to us this year as our event and fundraising ability has been severely hampered.” 

Please consider making a year-end gift so that they can continue to deliver their mission and ensure that services continue into their 33rd year of existence. The Emerald Isle is headed up by a wonderful lady called Siobhan Dennehy who I have had the pleasure to know for a very long time. Look I tell it as it is and that is, she is the backbone of this organization and believe me there are a lot of immigrants that are so thankful to her and her team. Always remember you have to have a very good back up with you and Siobhan has it in her team. Never out there shouting and roaring only nice and quietly just getting the job done. Her door is always open and does she have some patience? Oh boy does she? Yes and a cool head on her all the time as well. So, from all here at The Irish Examiner we wish Siobhan and her staff and volunteers a very Happy New Year and let’s hope it’s a good one and a healthy one for all of us.

Now here is something that should interest you that came from the Queens Chamber of Commerce and it speaks of 21 things to look forward to in 2021: As we awaken to a new day and a new year; here’s a list of things we can all look forward to in 2021:

1) COVID vaccine by New York’s own Pfizer;
2) The 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World;
3) The Queens Chamber celebrates our 110th anniversary;
4) 2020 Tokyo Olympics;
5) Groundbreaking for the Flushing Waterfront project;
6) Expansion of the Queens Chamber of Commerce across Queens County;
7) NY Mets Home Opener on April 8, 2021;
8) New York City elections;
9) The Doobie Brothers will hit the road for their 50th anniversary tour in July;
10) Queensboro Football Club kicks into high gear;
11) Release of Coming to America 2;
12) NASA lands on Mars;
13) Widespread travel;
14) Return of large Queens Chamber events and gatherings;
15) Broadway reopens;
16) Horse racing at Belmont;
17) NY Mets play NY Yankees at Citi Field on September 11;
18) Approval of the LaGuardia Air Train;
19) Going back to school & work in-person;
20) Steve Cohen; and
21) Compassionate Capitalism wins over Socialism.

I just want to tell yea that I get a lot of request mail in and yes, I do try accommodate quite a lot of them; well it makes my job much easier, but I can’t put them all in so please understand.
We are again on a dry run and I do know it can’t be helped as again the Governor has put the peddle down on restaurants and bars in New York City with no indoor dining or drinking. Look, I am more concerned about the owners and staff who now have no income and are living on the dole to carry them through.

I should know because I talk to a lot of them and they are crying for help and it’s not coming to them at all. Whether you like it or not you can’t beat going into an Irish establishment either for a drink or a meal. You feel the beautiful atmosphere the very minute you walk in, I should know as I have done it a lot. Do I miss it? You bet I do and most of all I miss the gossip and the craic. The sad thing in all of this is that we’ve lost so many in the last nine months who were family, friends and neighbors in this pandemic.

Now to leave you on a good note: keep the faith and hopefully this pandemic will be over and we all can get back to normal again. I hope to see you all the next time when I am Out&About, so be well and safe and keep wearing your mask and washing your hands frequently as it is the only way to beat this.