
By Paddy McCarthy

We wish all our readers and supporters a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year from all the staff and contributors here at The Irish Examiner USA. I have to say this this it has been a tough one for all of us but the good news is we got through it, right? Yes, many have lost some family, friends and relations which I do observe greatly and sadly rest in peace. It was a wild year 2020 and would you ever believe that it effected the whole world this pandemic.

It’s changed a lot of peoples lives that will never be the same again not only in health but also in business and work. I won’t say every family but I will say a lot of families were affected and are still suffering from this. I say to all that they should get vaccinated and tested. It is so horrible that because of this we can’t even travel to meet family for the Christmas holidays that we all love to do. Ireland has the same problems that we have here in the United States as well and for a smaller population they are hit hard with this. I myself miss my trip back home and I think I’m speaking for everyone who likes to do the same.

The travel industry, one of Ireland’s biggest economic providers, took a big hit with this pandemic. When visitors or ex-pats come to Ireland from the US, Britain and Europe it is one of the biggest contributors to the economy with hotels, restaurants, pubs, shopping, theatre and lots more. I just saw thw bad news that the current ban on travel from Britain to Ireland is “unlikely “to be lifted before Christmas and that puts a big dent in the economy again on top of everything else. Why I am telling you all of this is again everybody feels it and businesses who thought they might get a good Christmas out of it are very sorely disappointed again. I am so sorry for giving you all this not so good news, only I have to.

It reminds me that New York is just as bad if not worse as bars and restaurants are closed for inside dining, now that’s a joke with this weather that goes down to 30 degrees. I don’t care what heaters you have it won’t help. This time I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular, I only ask where is the commonsense. Now, again, I could be wrong.

NYC Council Finance Chair Daniel Dromm addresses the press at City Hall
The following came to my attention from a great friend of ours, Daniel Dromm. Normally I do not put anything like this in my Out&About, but it is so sad that this can happen especially coming up to the holidays so please be careful.

Dromm’s statement on the fire at 90-31 48th Avenue in Elmhurst which killed three residents read: “My heart goes out to the residents of 90-31 48th Avenue whose lives have been ravaged by this fire. Tragically, three residents died in the inferno. The other tenants barely escaped with their lives. It is outrageous that the property owner raked up $217,000 in fines for illegally subdividing most of the property, and reportedly ignored a partial vacate order. Elmhurst has been plagued by unscrupulous landlords who habitually flout the law to fatten their wallets. Their greed is killing my constituents.  In the coming weeks I will meet with city agencies and my colleagues in government to address this issue that has plagued the district for too long. I will do all that is in my power to ensure that the property owner is held accountable for his malfeasance. Slumlords, you have been put on notice.”

As you know we got a fair bit of snow last weekend and it’s not over yet so I decided to take a snapshot of the tree in the back yard, nice right? Just to give you a laugh I miss going for a pint around this time of the year as I love Christmas and the atmosphere that goes with it. No matter where we used to go everyone was in a happy mood and that’s what made it so good. Now as we all know as well the good news is the vaccine is coming to all of us so that we can get back to normal and meet our friends and family and give them a big hug and laugh again, oh I love it. In the meantime, please be safe and well and stick to the rules until we all can come out and play again.

This just came to my attention as I was about to finish my Out&About and I am very proud to have it in my column. Andy Cooney will be performing LIVE on Facebook from his beautifully decorated living room on his Grand piano on this Thursday, Christmas Eve from 7 pm to 8 pm New York Time. He thanks everyone all for the emails and Facebook posts of encouragement to do it. It will happen on his Andy Cooney and his Band Facebook page. Let’s get a record size audience as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior!

I said Happy Christmas at the start of my column now I am going to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Hope to see you again when I’m Out&About again.