I’d like to start of my Out & About by giving my condolences to a friend of mine, Donal Dennehy whose Mom passed away over a week ago. To give my condolences, rest in peace Mrs. Dennehy.

Donal and his wife Lillian traveled back to Ireland to pay his respects to his Mom and all the family. They traveled from JFK Airport New York over to Dublin for the funeral that was, I am sure, a very sad time to do it and meet the families. Now every year around this time most of us who have families in Ireland love to go over always around the holidays seasons that starts around mid-November. The reason is you can kill two birds with the one stone and that is go over to Ireland for Thanksgiving and come back to America for Christmas or vice-versa. Families will come the opposite way, you got that?

Now to get back to Donal and his wife Lillian. When they traveled over to Dublin, here is a picture of the inside of the plane that they traveled on that was basically empty and at this time of the year it should be full to capacity. This is not the airlines fault it’s the pandemic that is causing all the cancellations as I was one of them as well let me tell yea. Oh, for a trip home what I would give and a pint at the local I’d be in heaven, but I can keep on dreaming ahhh. It’s at both sides of the Atlantic this Coronavirus has attacked and also around the World it’s just terrible I might say.

Hopefully we will have the vaccine sooner that later and that we can all bet back to been normal again and hit the road again. I miss my Out & About and I mean that literally as I am also house bound like everyone else. As you all know by now, I get most of my gossip from the pubs and restaurants good and bad, but mostly good and I know you love that. I personally do not agree with any lock downs form all sectors of all business’s as I feel it does not help, now that is only my opinion, I could be wrong. I have a lot of restaurant and bar owners who are seriously hurting over all this and might never recover and if they do it will be with a lot of debt. I am like a broken record for both the Governor and the Mayor (T.V. Stars) to sit down with the owners and not these lawyers who do not know the trade and can’t speak to them the way the actual owners can, horse’s for courses’ right?

There are so many employees out of work in the hospitality business because of politicians who have not got a plan and pretend that they do, come on let’s get real as you are hurting everyone and you are collecting your checks all the time, I better stop before I say any more about this.

The Tipperary Association along with Tipperary Football and Hurling did have a remembrance of Bloody Sunday, last Saturday, Nov 21, the 100-year anniversary. I have to get this in as my father Tomas McCarthy came from Tipp and as you know that Tipperary ended 85 years wait to win Munster crown by beating Cork in Pairc Ui Chaoimh in Cork for the first time in 85 years now how about that huh! The event was at Fogarty’s  Restaurant & Bar in Bronxville, 6 pm – 10pm. Thanks for that information Shane Humpherys.

I got this note from Daniel Dromm that the 34th Avenue Open Street, the largest of its kind in the City, has been a godsend to Jackson Heights during the pandemic. Thousands of residents now have ample space to exercise, play and catch up with their neighbors at a safe distance. In communities like mine where 66% of local residents do not own a car, it is important to have access to safe open spaces within walking distance from your home. That is why I worked with the NYC Department of Transportation and my colleagues in government to secure the avenue’s permanent closure.
Now, we have an opportunity to take this successful program to the next level. Join me and my colleagues on Wednesday, December 2nd at 6:30pm for a virtual informational and listening session. You will have the opportunity to share your experiences with the Open Street and offer feedback which will be used to craft its redesign.

Please be sure to register for the session in advance. For more information or to request accessibility accommodations, please contact John O’Neill at (212) 839-2510 or joneill@dot.nyc.gov by November 30th. Sincerely, Daniel Dromm
, NYC Council Member 25th District.

I have a plea to all our readers to please look out for your neighbors especially around this holiday time as it can be a happy time and a very sad time. With this Coronavirus pandemic that is a Worldwide sickness and very contagious that can kill you please be careful. I know that there is a lot of support out there, but never enough I might tell yea and that is why I am personally asking you to check out who is around you. Look we Irish are a very proud nation of people and most of us are afraid to even ask for a little bit of help and I can vouch for that since I emigrated to America as we are all shy in our own way. I am not going to go on and on about this so please check on your neighbors and friends to just see how they are and remember to check to they need anything in anyway over the holidays. The worst feeling is when you hear somebody is sick and it probably could have been avoided so it’s up to all of you who are reading this. Thank you all as again I would not be able to write this only for the support you have giving and please tell all your contacts it’s free and all they got to do is send in their emails and they will be able to review all the news and entertainment from home and beyond.

Here is the email to pass on www. editorial@irishexaminerusa.com and you’re on the mailing list just like that.

From all here at The Irish Examiner, we would like to wish everybody a very Happy Thanksgiving Day and be safe and well. See you all again WHEN I am out and about…..