Taoiseach Calls for People to ‘Trust Women’ and Vote ‘Yes’

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has today officially launched Fine Gael’s Yes campaign for the upcoming abortion referendum.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said: “I am calling for a Yes vote because I trust women.”

He said change represented a measure of compassion, an end to the ‘chill factor’ facing those who want the procedure.

The leader also rubbished suggestions reform would see the number of abortions rocket, and claimed those on that side of the argument thought very little of women.

Abortion is currently only available when a mother’s life is at risk, but not in cases of fatal foetal abnormality, rape or incest.

The Catholic church is among those campaigning for a No vote, those who argue that a baby’s life is sacrosanct.

The May 25 referendum will be on whether to retain or repeal the Eighth Amendment of the constitution, which means the life of the woman and her unborn child are seen as equal.

Draft legislation proposes unrestricted abortion access be made available to women who are up to 12 weeks pregnant.

A group of prominent GAA players will today come out in support of a No vote in the referendum.

The group will release a series of videos over the coming month giving their reasons to “save the 8th”.

The GAA as an organization has said they will remain neutral on the issue of the 8th Amendment.

John McGuirk, communications director for Save8.ie, said: “We’re delighted to be joined today by some of the leading figures in the GAA including Micky Harte, Joe Sheridan from Meath [and] a whole range of others,” he said.

“Like us, I think they’re people who are very concerned that this proposal just goes far too far for most people.”