New Report Highlights Shortage Of Construction Workers in Ireland

The Construction Industry Federation says there is an urgent need for the industry to attract more talent.

It comes after a new report by the Central Bank shows that one in every two workers who lost their jobs in Ireland during the recession had previously worked in construction.

However, it claims the industry has regained less than a third of all the jobs lost between 2007 and 2012.

The Construction Industry Federation is stressing the need for the industry to attract more talent to meet housing and infrastructure needs.

CIF spokesperson Dermot Carey explains what the report highlights about a lot of construction workers.

He said: “While there was a major decline in employment in the construction sector in the last number of years, that has recovered to some extent.

“But specifically, it has identified the fact that there still is a large cohort that would have worked in the construction sector – who no longer work in the construction sector, but are not within any other sector – so that it appears that they have emigrated.”

He went on to say we need to entice emigrants home, as there is plenty of work.

Mr Carey said: “Well I think we need to indicate to them that the country is recovering, particularly the construction sector, and that the jobs that are available now and into the next number of years are sustainable, well-paid jobs.

“And indeed, there has been a lot of discussion about the availability of accommodation, all of those things that the jobs are sustainable, the accommodation is available.”