O”Callaghan Not Running For President

Miriam O’Callaghan has stated that she will not be running as a candidate in the upcoming Presidential election.

Responding to recent rumours that she would contest November’s election, Ms O’Callaghan published a number of tweets this evening in order to put an end to any speculation.

“As a journalist, I’m much more comfortable reporting on stories than being at the centre of them,” she said.

“Over recent years, I’ve been touched and a little embarrassed when people have approached me at charity events around the country and suggested that I should run for President.

“Out of respect to them, and to our serving President, I have always declined to engage in those discussions.

However, given the recent resurgence of speculation, I want to state that I will not be a candidate in an upcoming Presidential election.

“I would also like to make clear that I have always been, and will always remain, independent of any political party.

“I’m looking forward to spending the summer working on a landmark documentary about the 50th anniversary of the civil rights marches in the North and the Troubles, a place and a story that I’ve covered in depth throughout my career.”

Ms O’Callaghan was questioned yesterday on her intentions to contest the presidency, but failed to clarify whether she would be running.

The RTÉ broadcaster and Prime Time presenter said she would not be presenting her summer chat show this year due to other commitments, which further fueled speculation that she would be taking time out to focus on a bid for the Áras.

However, she denied this, saying: “We have a wonderful president and I am only not doing my chat show because I am making this documentary.”