Tuesday March 29, 2011


Tribunal Finds Lowry Helped O'Brien Win Mobile License

After 14 years of investigation, and a cost of more than €40m, the Moriarty Tribunal, investigating payments to politicians, has issued its second and final report... Read more...

First Female Deputy Garda Commisioner Appointed

Another glass ceiling has been broken, after the appointment of Noirin O'Sullivan to the second most powerful post in the Irish police force, An Garda Siochana Read more...

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Stress Tests On Irish Banks Due This Week

The results of stress tests on Irish banks are due to be published later this week, and should give a clearer picture of the massive debt mountain that is facing Ireland... Read more...

Investigation Into Anglo Nears Completion

The Director of Corporate Enforcement Paul Appleby has sent another file on Anglo Irish Bank's dealings to the Director of Public Prosecutions... Read more...

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Lord of the Dance Michael Flatley Can Be Seen On Big Screens In 3-D (Part 1)

Just before St. Patrick's Day, Dance Lord Michael Ryan Flatley held court at the Regency Hotel with a small set of select journalists and waxed on about his career of breaking boundaries and a few bones... Read more...

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Hour Of The Pig: More Tales From The Madhouse

As chance would have it I remarked in this column only a few weeks ago that I was wondering what the hell had happened to the Tipperary North TD Michael Lowry... Read more...

Rethinking Sarah Palin For President

Although I have written several columns expressing my admiration for Sarah Palin, I admit I have never taken her seriously as a 2012 presidential candidate... Read more...

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Out & About

It was nice to have a break last week after the hectic week before, but there's no use complaining as it is all for a good cause... Read more...

New Cars, New Hours, New Exhibition Space, New Technology And More...

Putting the 'new' in New York International Automobile Show, changes to this year's Show include new hours, an all-new 84,000 exhibition hall called Javits Center North, and the most extensive collection of the most technologically advanced vehicles on display anywhere in the world... Read more...

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Ireland Tied For First Place After Win Over FYR Macedonia

The Republic of Ireland needed a wonder save from goalkeeper Keiren Westwood to pick up three precious points in an eventful EURO 2012 qualifying tie at the Aviva Stadium and climb into joint leadership of Group B... Read more...

Pienaar Inspires Ulster's Win In Glasgow

Ruan Pienaar showed his undoubted class once again as a late penalty topped off his 22-point contribution and saw Ulster snatch victory from a dogged Glasgow Warriors side... Read more...

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