Thomas G. Waites Transitions To Filmmaker from Veteran Actor with “Target” — His Directorial Debut

Thomas G. Waites Transitions To Filmmaker from Veteran Actor with “Target” — His Directorial Debut

Photo: Brad Balfour Interview by Brad Balfour Actor, teacher and now director Thomas G. Waites doesn’t shy away from taking chances or courting controversy. For his first directorial outing, he pushed the envelope creating “Target” — a gender-bending, sexually provocative...
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Thinking About The Forefront of Controversy and Crime In A Netflix Doc Series

Thinking About The Forefront of Controversy and Crime In A Netflix Doc Series

Opinion by Brad Balfour Once again child abuse is in the news, although this time coming out of the fulsome mouths of such Republican nut cases as newly elected Georgia Congressional representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. The right-wing Q-Anon conspiracy belie...
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Gift Guide for the Perplexed and Preposterous — Oh I mean, Me

Gift Guide for the Perplexed and Preposterous — Oh I mean, Me

  As witness the image above, my last minute gift guide is peculiar, idiosyncratic and incomplete. So far, as far as I’m concerned there’s one concert I must go to that is this Bauhaus show. One of rock’s darkest of...
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