Celebrating The Fureys in the Hopes That  The Group Will Tour in The States Again

Celebrating The Fureys in the Hopes That The Group Will Tour in The States Again

[Photo courtesy of The Fureys] Music Report by Paddy McCarthy Yes, The Fureys are alive and well. When I say “alive,” I mean that they are touring all over Ireland. And the group will be in Scotland and England during...
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The Irish Business Organization’s President Paul Finnegan on Leading It Through Difficult Times, Transforming it Along the Way

The Irish Business Organization’s President Paul Finnegan on Leading It Through Difficult Times, Transforming it Along the Way

Galway native Paul Finnegan, current Irish Business Organization president, has presided during the tumultuous re-opening of a seemingly post-pandemic New York. After two years of adapting to a virtual format, the organization has awakened out of its Zoom li...
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