“Clerks” Star Brian O’Halloran Recalls His Career and Irish Heritage

“Clerks” Star Brian O’Halloran Recalls His Career and Irish Heritage

If it weren’t for events such as the Big Apple Comic Con — now taking place this March 25th and 26th (www.bigapplecc.com) — American actor, producer, and podcaster Brian O’Halloran wouldn’t have had the chance to reach out and meet his audience in a friendly setting. But a con like the BACC is totally conceived with the touchy-feelie expe...
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A Celebration of Irish Heritage And Culture Was Held In City Hall

A Celebration of Irish Heritage And Culture Was Held In City Hall

The annual celebration of Irish Heritage & Culture that’s held in New York City Hall a few days after the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, took place Tuesday, March 19th, 2019, from 6 pm to 830 pm in the Council Chambers. After...
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