
The Grand Council of United Emerald Societies will honor Patrick J Lynch as their Irishman of the Year on January 11

By Paddy McCarthy

I am so sure that everyone had a nice Christmas as much as I did. But I will tell yea that I did not forget the poor and the homeless that are both here in America and back home in Ireland as we have a long way to go to help in any way we can. I am not trying to be a Debbie-Downer on these Christmas holidays, only reminding you that it is still very sad out there and a lot of work has to be done. It is also the time my mom passed away which was Christmas Day 1986 and yes, I do miss her very day especially on Christmas which is the happiest time of the year and I know she would say celebrate our time together and that’s what I do.

Now let’s all look forward to the New Year 2023 that I feel is going to be a very good one and that the Covid-19 is gone for ever and ever. The last couple of years around this time was not as happy as it should have been so now let’s make the best of it as we move into the new year. The restrictions that were on all of us all through the last couple of years are gone, well almost anyhow. We can now honestly go out and visit family and friends, something that was not possible at the time so now we can get back to normal.

Okay, enough is enough as I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and may all your dreams and wishes come true on the eve of a great occasion like the New Year! I raise a glass of champagne to all who are ready to make this the best time ever and also to thank you all for all the support that we have received for The Irish Examiner USA and, yes, you have made our dreams come true, yes you did.

Here is one of the first major Irish dinners of 2023 that came to me from Brian Sharkey, who always promotes Ireland or anything that is connected to Ireland. It is happening in New York to honor another great Irishman, Patrick Lynch. The Grand Council of United Emerald Societies cordially invites you to attend their Annual Irishman of the Year Dinner on Wednesday evening, January 11, at Antun’s of Queens Village (96-43 Springfield Blvd, Queens Village), from 7 pm to 11 pm. The Guest of Honor will be Patrick J. Lynch, President of the Police Benevolent Association, City of New York.

The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York (NYC PBA) is the largest municipal police union in the world. The NYC PBA represents the approximately 24,000 sworn NYPD members. They hold the rank of Police Officer and the front-line police officers in radio cars and on foot posts in your neighborhood, as well as those in specialized units and administrative divisions throughout the city.

Mr. Lynch was first elected PBA president in 1999, defeating the incumbent administration while serving as a precinct-level delegate in the 90th Precinct in Brooklyn. He is the longest-serving PBA president since the union obtained its bargaining certificate in 1963.

In recognition of President Lynch’s many years of service and dedication to the City of New York and his proud Irish heritage, he was elected to serve as the Grand Council of United Emerald Societies Aide to Grand Marshal for the 2023 New York City Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. The 2023 Grand Marshal, Kevin J. Conway, has been invited to attend this year’s gala.

The Dinner subscription is $100 per person or $1000 for a table of ten. In conjunction with the 2023 Irishman of the Year dinner, the GCUES will publish a commemorative souvenir dinner journal. This dinner promises to be one of the most attended for the start of 2023.

This very nice message came to me from a man who has worked very hard from the start by performing and promoting and directing theatre from Ireland here in the USA. I have personally followed what he has been doing and now he is the Executive Director of the New York Irish Center, located in Long Island City in Queens. His name of course is George Heslin from County Limerick. He sent me this that I am sure you will be very proud of this man in what he is doing in promoting Ireland on this side of the Atlantic especially around the Christmas holidays so check out what it is: “At New York Irish Center our goal has always been to build community through cultural enrichment while caring for those most in need. We are inspired to continue the legacy of our founders Fr. Colm Campbell and Mr. Paddy Reilly. This past year our programs have embodied community, culture, and care, and it has been an honor to welcome upwards of 25,000 patrons through our doors.

“Our vibrant center offers space to 43 organizations annually, while our second and third floors are dedicated to suicide prevention with Solace House programs and immigrant legal services (Theodore M. Davis Law). 

“New York Irish Center has always been a place to gather, a place to share, a place to celebrate. Thanks to your kind support this year your generosity allowed us to serve over 3,000 meals to seniors in our community, present over 60 diverse cultural events, deliver holiday gifts to 500 children in need, launch the inaugural America Ireland Youth Conference, host two children’s cultural festivals, host language, dance and music classes, offer fun filled travel outings for retirees, and much much more…

“As we continue to expand our programs and plan for the year ahead, I invite you to make a tax-deductible gift that is meaningful to you: This year New York Irish Center demonstrated how we could come together to celebrate our shared heritage. A year when we strengthened our bonds and made new connections in our diverse and ever-growing community. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our many exciting offerings and events. Happy Holidays! Warmly, George C. Heslin, Executive Director.”

We are all very proud of him and I can tell he does a lot more than I have informed you about in my Out&About as it would take up pages…

Wishing all our readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year from all the staff here and thank you all. Have a wonderful 2023! I will see you all next year when I am Out&About again…