Tuesday August 15, 2007

Mysterious Predictions
By Astrologer Caitlin

Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd

Monday's New Moon shines on your ninth house of philosophy and spirituality and revs his jets in Aries, your fellow fire sign. Along with the Sun and Mercury in the same part of your chart, this is the time when you will be rethinking 2007 so far and working out where you went wrong and what you can do to fix anything that needs fixing. If you're in need of some overseas travel, this is the weekend to get online and book something, spontaneous for you but daring and fun. Pack up that bag and let the two of you rejuvenate that spark. For the single folks, it's a good week to discover yourself and spend time alone, don't be on the prowl and especially avoid the Pisces and Virgos.

Aug 23rd - Sep 22nd

Having that New Moon in your go get them Aries forcing you to join the 'rat race' and motivate yourself to compete for something you might not even really want. Alongside the Sun and Mercury in your 8th house of joint projects, the need to smile and be party of as joint effort may be over the top for you, but it's a necessary evil, even though we all know you're a perfectionist and don't like working with other who mess up your flow... You single kids out there, should really look at the person you have been chasing and figure out why you have been chasing them. Is it just lust or do you really like them and enjoy their company.

Sep 23 - Oct 23rd

Love is definitely in the air for those of you looking for it boys and girls, with a New moon shining on your relationship zone alongside the Sun and Mercury early in the week. Monday is a great night to go out in search of 'real love' or at least a fun fling... Pisces are your sexiest match up of the day. Elsewhere with Venus your ruler shimmering in flighty Gemini, you may be feeling skittish about travel plans or doing that course you signed up for. You're skittish about pretty much everything and admit it, it will be fun so do stick to it. Stop letting things get in the way of things you like and want to learn or do. Really, does anyone care that much about what you are up to? Avoid the Virgo's like the plague this week!

Oct 24th - Nov 21st

Monday's New moon shines on your 6th house of hard work, health and well-being. In need of a detox or diet of getting up off the couch and doing something around the house that needs fixing? This is just the cosmic jolt and kick in the butt you need, the New Moon that is, alongside the Sun and Mercury in the same part of your chart. Plus you have got Mars, the motivator in your 5th house of self-fulfillment right now, so you are unstoppable, right? Get on that treadmill this weekend and stop the snacks, the summer is approaching and you're going to stay single if you keep eating the yodels. Put down the remote and get off your butt. If you are partnered, listen to them when it comes to your diet and exercise routine, they are truly concerned for your well-being.

Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Monday's New moon is a great one for you, full of hope and spontaneity and drama, the perfect cosmic cocktail for you crazy Sags. The New Moon shines your 5th house of romance, self-fulfillment and creativity, making this a great time for you to fall in love, push yourself artistically or both, you are in a great frame of mind and very positive right now, so don't think its all too good to be true. It's not. It's your live and the Universe is shining on you and offering you heaps of wonderful opportunities. Keep the people guessing and don't tell your secret of getting all these people chasing your heart. You actually don't even know why people are falling for you, but roll with it... You have options.

Dec 22nd - Jan 19th

Don't be all earthy and father figure this week on people who know that underneath all that goat bravado, there is an insecurity that is quite charming if allowed to come out. The Sun moves into Taurus later in the week which really takes the pressure off you, shining on our 5th house of romance, self-fulfillment and creativity through May 21st. A Taurus is your must have friend and lover right now. If you don't have a Taurus in your life, go out and get one. Start looking at the park, the dog park, and the gym. You are bound and fated to have this person in your life, so start looking. Be on your best behavior this weekend, as you might run into an ex.

Jan 20th - Feb 18th

Monday's New Moon in your communications zone could have you opening up your big mouth once too often and coming a cropper boys and girls. Sure you know everything, but keep it to yourself will ya!! For those of you squabbling with your sis or bro, now the time to kiss and make up and do it in an extravagant way. Invite them to dinner or cook for them or buy them something priced but from the heart (if there is such a thing)! Spending money like you've just won the lottery? Blame it on pesky Mars in your self-esteem zone and slow your roll! Keep the partying to a minimum this week; you have been neglecting your friends and family. Figure out your priorities kids.

Feb 19th- Mar 20th

Money and all that money brings with it, the power, stuff and headaches is your cosmic Achilles heel right now. With a New Moon on Monday illuminating your 2nd house of cash flow (or major lack of cash flow). If you need help, ask for it and don't feel embarrassed about hitting your dad or partner up for a 'loan'. Mars the planet of stimulation is to blame for your bleak bank balance too- as he encourages you to splurge and spend happily, until you are bankrupt that is... Don't sweat it though; you can always pull yourself up and out. For you single fish, Thursday is looking like a power day for you to meet someone new...even for you partner nuts, Thursday could be pretty special for the two of you!

Mar 21st - Apr 19th

Your once a year New Moon shining in the sky is just the cosmic medicine you need boys and girls. It is time to wipe the slate clean, forgive and forget and move on once and for all. While you don't tend to hand onto anything or anyone, new adventures await you and you don't want to waste precious time dwelling on what could have been or should have been. Instead focus on the beginning of yet another chapter in your ongoing saga Rams. Librans and Sags make good mates for you this week. If you are partnered up, Monday will really be an awesome day to take that special someone out or better yet, have them take you out, it is your birthday month! Keep your eyes and ears open; something really good is coming around the corner.

Apr 20th - May 20th

The Sun moves into your sing towards the end of the week, making this a time when you need to really be focusing on you and all the things you want to do over the next twelve months. This is the start of your new cosmic year and what better way to start it off than with a New Moon in your past karma zone? This is sure to blow away all those doubts, cobwebs and pesky ex's hanging around. Move on with renewed hope and incentive boys and girls. And for the cuspers born on April 21st, rein in your impatience and really tune in to what is best for you, which might not necessarily be what you want. It's a great time of year for you to be meeting and greeting some new potential mates. Don't tell your partner, if you're paired off.

May 21st - Jun 22nd

Venus the planet of love and a New Moon in your friendship, hopes and wishes zone suggests that right now is a great time to hook up with someone that so far you have shared a platonic relationship with only and not a bed... But beware that you could lose a friend out of the deal if it all goes south. Can your friend handle it if things don't work out? We all know you can handle anything. Thursday is great for you single folks out there, get to the club or the lounge and let those cocktails flow. The more relaxed you are, the more confident you look. That confidence could catch they eye of a sexy Aquarian, so keep your eyes open.

Jun 22nd-Jul 22nd

Mars in Pisces continues to recharge your cosmic batteries over and over again. A good thing for sure. A New Moon Monday in your career and social status zone could see many of you forcing yourself on others in the office, trying to butt in where you shouldn't be and get yourself invited to drinks and meeting you're not really allowed to go to. Slow your roll boys and girls, it will happen, it just won't happen overnight. Hit up that dance floor Saturday night, there is no use sitting home, looking on, you need to show your charisma off and that could attract the eye of a Capricorn also looking for love. For you paired off few, lock the doors and throw away the keys this weekend... it's time for the two of you.

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