Tuesday April 30, 2013

GPA Stars To Host Breezy Corporate Sports Day

Members of the GPA work party with Aer Lingus flight attendants Grainne Kelly and Orla Kelly prior to their departure to Breezy Point in New York where they will assist with the reconstruction of the local youth sports facilities destroyed during Hurricane Sandy. The party is travelling with the support of Aer Lingus. Dublin Airport, Dublin (Barry Cregg)

Stars of Gaelic games will be returning to Breezy Point in June as the Gaelic Players Association hosts a special day of team-bonding for corporate groups.

Earlier this year a GPA work party made up of current and former county GAA players travelled to Breezy Point to help with the reconstruction effort in the community.

Now the Breezy Gaelic Sports Team Building Day, which takes place on Saturday June 8, will bring work colleagues, family and friends together in a wonderful celebration of Irish sport and culture at the Rockaways community of Breezy Point.

Hosted to help boost morale as the area continues its recovery from Superstorm Sandy, the event will also help raise funds for the Breezy Point Disaster Relief effort and support the GPA's Education Fund, assisting amateur county GAA players with their college careers.

Among the events, two Gaelic football competitions designed to cater for novices and experienced players alike, will take place during a special day of games, music, entertainment, competitions, coaching and barbecue fun.

Former stars of Gaelic football will be on hand to coach participating companies, helping players to get the most from this unique team-building opportunity.

The Breezy Cup will cater for novice players, men and women who have had no experience of Gaelic football but would like to give it a go, experience the thrill and enjoy the fun. Competing with other rookies, Breezy Cup contestants will learn the basics of Gaelic football and get the chance to put their new-found skills into practice.

Experienced participants, men and women who currently play Gaelic football or who have played in the past, can compete with their company for The Irish American Cup.

Resident experts, former stars of the game, will be on hand to coach each team throughout the tournament, adding spice to what promises to be an exciting day of competitive fun.

If your group or company would like to participate in this unique even or you require further information please contact Teresa Ryan, at

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