Tuesday October 18, 2011

The Success Of Political Brainwashing

So what is the Democrat Party doing for the black community since - besides fostering dependence on government checks? The poorest cities in America are controlled by elected Democrats. Detroit which is usually on that list is now making a turnaround since it elected a Republican governor, Rick Snyder, in 2010.

By Alicia Colon

If you ask a young person what used to be so unique about Ivory Soap they may not know what was once its greatest selling point because it's no longer marketed that way. It was the only soap that could float because it was 99 and 44/100 pure that is until the manufacturer Proctor and Gamble added glycerin and other softening additives to compete with other brands and now the new Ivory sinks. That's a shame.

I thought of comparing the old Ivory soap - which by the way can still be purchased at .99c and other discount vendors - to the Republican Party which no longer markets its greatest selling point - that it is the party of civil rights. It is a mystery how the history of civil rights has been so distorted by a collaborative liberal media and an even greater mystery why there hasn't been a concerted effort by the GOP to set the record straight.

Herman Cain, a poll rising presidential candidate made a statement that blacks have been brainwashed by the Democrat party and this stirred up quite a hornet's nest at MSNBC and its brainwashed and historically illiterate anchor Al Sharpton.

Criticizing Cain on MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's Last Word program, Al Sharpton said, "What Cain does not have the right is to rewrite history by saying that blacks were brainwashed by becoming Democrats. We went with a party that stood up for the Civil Rights Act of '64 and Voting Right Act of '65."

The two other African American guests on the program were similarly ignorant of the historical facts and asserted that the Democrat party was the party that had the best interests of minorities and that is why blacks overwhelmingly vote Democrat. It was unlikely that O'Donnell would delve the truth because he can't handle the truth or perhaps he's deliberately hiding it.

Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels said, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

The truth that Al Sharpton and other black demagogues wish to suppress is that the Civil Rights Act of '64 and the Voting Right Act of '65 would never have passed were it not for the overwhelming support of the Republicans. It was Democrats who tried to prevent the passages of these bills. Al Gore Sr. voted against the '64 bill as did ex-KKK member Robert Byrd who reigned forever in the Senate.

The GOP ended a Democrat filibuster preventing a Senate vote and in the final vote, 82 percent of Republicans voted yes versus 69 percent of Democrats.

Whenever the race baiters try to throw the words Jim Crow laws and Bull Connor around, they cleverly omit the fact that the laws were enacted by Democrats and that Connor and the other segregation leaders were all Democrats.

The co-opting of the GOP civil rights legacy began with JFK aiding Martin Luther King. While still in Congress, JFK voted against Eisenhower's 1957 Civil Rights Act. The myth began in the 1960 presidential campaign when MLK was arrested and JFK wisely called his wife Coretta to sympathize and offer his help. Nixon's press secretary did not want him involved and blocked all calls about the situation. Martin Luther King Sr. left the Republican Party to vote for JFK even though he had originally expressed misgivings about voting for a Catholic. Yet after becoming president, his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy ordered the FBI to tape MLK and those infamous tapes continue to tarnish MLK's memory.

So what is the Democrat Party doing for the black community since - besides fostering dependence on government checks? The poorest cities in America are controlled by elected Democrats. Detroit which is usually on that list is now making a turnaround since it elected a Republican governor, Rick Snyder, in 2010.

Besides Herman Cain, there are many, many blacks who know the truth about the Democrat Party. They are being vilified as Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas because they are not toeing the liberal line and the brainwashed, Kool-Aid drinking celebrities do the bidding of their own puppet masters without realizing that they are the real pawns.

Unfunny comedienne, Janeane Garafalo, accused Herman Cain of being a tool for the Tea Party so that it would no longer be viewed as racist. Poor Ms. Garafolo doesn't even realize that by asserting that Cain can't think for himself or make his own decisions, she is the true racist who views all blacks as mindless dolts.

Whenever liberals have no way to refute conservative arguments, they resort to the race card but recent rhetoric is beyond sanity. MSNBC's Ed Schultz has either lost his mind or thinks his viewers are brain dead as well. He accused Sen. DeMint (R-SC) of using racist language when he said, "If we are able to stop Obama on this [health care law], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

Schultz then said, "break" is an "old southern racist term" applied, in this instance, to "talking about defeating President Obama during the health care debate." Wow, I'm married to an old Southern who never heard that expression.

Most recently, the leftwing media are accusing Republicans of boosting Herman Cain to offset our bigotry in 2008 when Barack Obama was campaigning. What these dense minded liberals just don't get is that we are a color blind party who judge people on the content of their character not the color of their skin - sound familiar?

In 2008, Republicans wanted Condoleezza Rice to run but she refused. Our favorite columnist is Thomas Sowell. We opposed Barack Obama because he was unqualified with little experience and had dangerous Marxist associations. Democrats picked him only because he is black and as Joe Biden once described him, "articulate, bright and clean and a nice-looking guy." He spoke as if this was a rarity and instead of being outraged by this remark, the media swooned over Obama in agreement with what Biden said, "that's a story-book, man." Who are the real racists - the party that founded the KKK or the party who freed the slaves?

Republicans are more discriminating and we want our candidates to have substance. Herman Cain is a godsend for the Republican Party and is doing the truth-telling job that the GOP should have done decades ago. He is unraveling the lies that have cloaked the inherent bigotry of the politicians who run the plantation of government handouts.

Herman Cain has never been a token as Bill Maher has declared. He is supremely qualified and Republicans are fortunate to have him as a candidate.

Alicia Colon resides in New York City and can be reached at and at

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