Tuesday October 11, 2011

Occupy Wall Street? This Is Just '60s Deja Vu

The mainstream media support the movement because protesters are Obama supporters and thus they are not making any effort to expose the machinations of the manipulators.

By Alicia Colon

There is something eerily familiar about those crowds protesting on Wall Street that harkens back to the mid-sixties and the anti-Vietnam war demonstrations. They are both mostly white, young college students living off their parents and hygienically challenged. Although I never took part in those protests, (I had to work for a living) to me they meant that we lived in a country that allowed dissent. Having a brother in the Marines, I naturally fell on the other side of those protests and soon recognized that those young people were being manipulated by forces with ulterior motives. Many of the anti-war crowd were however sincere but this bunch on Wall Street are just plain stupid. Their incoherence on their mission exposes the entire movement as a social driven event rather than a cause celebre based on principles.

The mainstream media support the movement because protesters are Obama supporters and thus they are not making any effort to expose the machinations of the manipulators. That challenge is being taken up by Andrew Breitbart, Fox News and conservative bloggers. This Wall Street set bares a strong resemblance to the ones that regularly convene at global conferences and anti-immigration protests and many of these so-called volunteer protesters could be funded by the same left-wing community organizers.

According to Michele Field, "A liberal organizer told the Daily Caller on Thursday afternoon that he paid some Hispanics to attend 'Occupy DC' protests happening in the nation's (sic) capital." This is the same setup for all those pro-illegal immigrant rallies out West. You didn't really think hard-working Hispanics had the time or the travel funds to attend those multiple protests, did you?

As these anti-capitalist, socialist events spread around the country it's inevitable that violence will ensue. In New Orleans, shouts of, "Kill the Cops" can be heard recalling the 1968 Democrat convention rioters shouting "Kill the pigs." Several influential legislators in New York are getting death threats in emails. WTEN in Albany reported that one read, "It's time to tax the millionaires! If you don't I'm going to pay a visit with my carbine to one of those tech companies you are so proud of and shoot every spoiled Ivy League (expletive) I can find."

This is absolutely comical and indicative of the warped disconnect and confusion of this anti-capitalist mob. They try and sound like gun-toting rebels envious of the educated when I'll bet most of those protesters are either college students or grads annoyed that their parents' incomes have diminished threatening their own profligate slacker lives.

Joining the protesters on Wall Street are Democratic legislators and celebrity hypocrites who stop by for photo ops and press coverage before jetting off to Europe on carbon spewing jets - right Susan Sarandon? The leftwing politicians are basking in the success of their tax the rich and blame the GOP for this economic crisis mantra.

Their stoned disciples haven't enough working gray cells left to figure out that the real culprits for the mess are sitting in the White House and Senate. If you compare the unemployment and budget deficit figures of the GOP congress and the Democrat controlled Congress that took over in 2007, it's obvious why those responsible for job-killing legislation are distorting the truth.

The leftstream media joining the mindless throngs are trying to equate their crusade with the tea party movement but that is beyond laughable. Tea partiers are for the most part hard working, middle class Americans tired of the irresponsible trillion-dollar spending on worthless stimulus projects that only benefit union workers and Democrat donors. They also aren't carrying the expensive iPads, iPhones and other digital gadgets the Wall Street protesters tote to document their own rallies. They are also law abiding and respectful of law enforcement officials. In addition they are clean and leave their gathering places picked up of all litter unlike the anarchic slobs spreading their poison around the country. Unlike the Wall Street protesters they have worked for a living and are taxpayers concerned that their children and grandchildren will be paying for the government's wasteful spending for the rest of their lives.

While Democrats like Nancy Pelosi continue to express support for the protesters, images that are only shown abroad show protesters defecating on an NYPD car revealing the type of deviants that are part of Occupy Wall Street.

I am a proud member of the tea party and like many others have suffered the ill effects of this dreadful economy. Having lost my job in 2008, the attempt to refinance my home to cover credit card debt failed. The value of my home dropped to below the outstanding debt making further attempts to refinance impossible. I understand better than other journalists the frustration that the protesters are alluding to but having lived through even rougher times raising a large family, I know that with family, prayer and ingenuity Americans can rebound without the government's help. If anything it is the government that is perpetuating this malaise by stifling investments through overregulation and mandates restricting employers from expanding businesses with new hires.

The left has a completely different method of problem solving. Former SEIU official Stephen Lerner advocated a mortgage strike to punish banks. At this year's Left forum, he said, "What would happen if we organized homeowners en masse to do a mortgage strike? If we get half a million people to agree, it would literally cause a new financial crisis for the banks - not for us. We would be doing quite well. We wouldn't be paying anything."

His statement proves the left is morally bankrupt. Indeed- why should anybody honor their contracts or for that matter why honor anything?

Matthew Vadum wrote a column in the Canada Free Press that perfectly describes what Occupy Wall Street is all about. He wrote, "In a surreal news conference at the United Nations, anti-American radical and rogue financier George Soros (net worth: $22 billion) threw in his lot with the thousands of Communists, anarchists, eco-feminists, malingerers, and professional protesters who have been baiting and taunting police in lower Manhattan as part of a mass demonstration that began September 17."

What is perhaps most laughable about the rent-a-mob Occupy Wall Street movement is that it dares to compare itself with the Arab Spring protests in the Middle East. Those cataclysmic riots were about freedom from tyranny and despots. This bunch just wants free stuff and freedom from responsibility. Oh how wonderful it would be if journalists would ask the following questions: Who's funding these protests and who's making money off this awful economy. The demands of this so-called new grassroots movement smacks of the communist manifesto but how much of a surprise is that since the former Obama administration Green Czar and avowed communist Van Jones has linked his American Dream movement with the leftwing Occupy Wall Street protests?

In the 1960s the silent majority did not confront the anarchist radicals hoping they would all go away and that was a terrible mistake. Now we have to deal with them in charge as full grown self-proclaimed socialists and communists determined to do away with our Constitution. We can't afford to be silent any longer and now we have organized our own defense team called the Tea Party.

We are no longer silent and we are still the majority. Deal with it.

Alicia Colon resides in New York City and can be reached at and at

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