Tuesday June 28, 2011

If You're Not Involved In Politics - Don't Complain

The MSM tries to portray right wing groups like the NRA as the most powerful lobby but gay rights; pro-choice and green environment advocates are much more powerful and funnel millions into the pockets of Democrat politicians.

By Alicia Colon

After Mass last Sunday I had a disheartening conversation with a young mother whose children attend the local parochial school. I had asked her if she had watched the GOP debate and what did she think of Michele Bachman? She answered that she did not know who that was because she didn't get involved with politics. I hear that response a lot from people who generally bemoan the decline of the quality of life in New York City yet only come out to vote every four years as if the president is the only government figure that affects their lives. Meanwhile the local communities are more affected by their mayors, governors and city council members who are elected to power by community organizers not ordinary citizens who just stay home and complain.

The Governor of New York State made it the sixth state to allow same sex marriages in spite of the opposition of church leaders and religious groups who see this legislation as an attack of their core moral principles. Frankly I am surprised that this legislation didn't pass earlier because New York is one of the more liberal states due to the apathy of the silent majority of its residents.

The mainstream media (MSM)is trying to demonize the current social conservatives vying for the GOP presidential race but the truth is that those on the left have found a way to engineer social change through the courts and legislation bypassing the will of the people. In almost every case these changes are enacted by the Democrats in power and that is because special interest money is always funding their campaigns.

The MSM tries to portray right wing groups like the NRA as the most powerful lobby but gay rights; pro-choice and green environment advocates are much more powerful and funnel millions into the pockets of Democrat politicians.

So if you're upset because gays can now marry in New York but you didn't bother to make sure that your state assemblyman or senator shared your views then don't complain. If you're upset that the city council is constantly attacking and trying to close crisis pregnancy clinics that offer an alternative to abortions then you should have known that the City Council president Christine Quinn is firmly connected with NARAL Pro-choice.

That young mother was fortunate to be able to send her children to parochial school where the basics of educating and the 3 'R's are still the agenda. In many public schools around the country, the preschool and kindergarten students are going through a gender indoctrination that is entirely inappropriate for that age. In addition multiculturalism is replacing American history in textbooks. School boards are being manned by Marxist academics but who pays attention to school board elections? Do you even know who's on the local school board that's funded by your taxes?

Most New Yorkers can't even name their representatives on the Council yet it was the City Council that made it possible for our nanny Mayor Michael Bloomberg to run for a third term against the wishes of the people. He spent millions of his own money to buy an election and won because like that young mother I mentioned earlier many people don't get involved in politics.

So don't complain when the potholes don't get fixed and destroy your car's suspension but thanks to our green mayor, bicycle paths and tree filled medians are making streets more impassable every day. If one is truly involved with politics one would cringe whenever the word "green" is invoked as a government policy. A "green" policy costs more and is generally ineffective in saving energy. Next year incandescent light bulbs will be banned and you can only use mercury filled CFL bulbs made in China and Mexico. What a joke!

Do the research and learn about the hazards of those so-called energy saving turbine wind projects. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimated in 2009 that about 440,000 birds are likely killed each year by the fast-spinning wind turbines. What a quandary for PETA members who are now stuck between being green and worrying about the birds.

There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a culture war and the odds against traditionalists are dire. Those on the ideological left have the media; Hollywood celebrities; and billionaires like George Soros on their side. But most of all they count on Americans who don't get involved in politics and stay home while the liberal agenda is crammed into ballot boxes, placed on the bench and signed by legislators on their payroll.

It's no longer enough to pray for providence to step in and change the tide or that others will do the heavy lifting. The first real sign of hope began in 2009 with the rise of the Tea Party, a grassroots entity made up of ordinary American citizens fighting to take back control of our country. It has become the thorn in the side of the leftwing and it was instrumental in Republicans taking back control of the House of Representatives. The socialists, Marxists and liberal left hope that the novelty has worn off and that apathy will sink back in and the electorate will go back to being whining couch potatoes.

For those who think that the current economic and unemployment crisis will mean the end of the disastrous Obama administration, they need to think again. In a CNN interview with First Lady Michele Obama she was asked about the upcoming reelection campaign and answered: "You know, it's ... we're ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we're doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately, we have help from the media."

Help from the media is a given for the president and the entire Democrat Party even though the Republicans have a better recovery plan. They can count on ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC to shill for them. They also have help from celebrities like Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Joy Behar, Janeanne Garafalo, Tom Hanks, Sean Penn, Kathy Griffin and Lady Gaga who all go on record to demonize the Right. The NY Times, the Washington Post, Time, Newsweek and all will be the water bearers for the President. Sounds hopeless, doesn't it?

Ah, but the tea party is you and "you" number in the millions once you decide to get involved. Getting involved is not difficult. It means paying attention to the issues and supporting those Davids with the courage to take on Goliath. If everyone wakes up we can elect a president and Congress that will repeal Obamacare and the green legislation; cut taxes, start drilling for oil here; reduce regulations; cut spending and eliminate wasteful government agencies.

If you can't be bothered- then you have no right to complain.

Alicia Colon resides in New York City and can be reached at and at

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