Tuesday February 22, 2011

G'Day From Downunder

Put the kettle on for a hot coffee to warm up and we'll get going.

You know that old saying just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, along comes a shark? Well, in much the same manner, there I was all ready with my itinerary and mega-plans to be in New York for St Pat's when I received a request to be in Ireland at the same time. I always say the hardest decisions you make in life are always your best ones. My hard decision was to miss the 250th St Patrick's Day Parade that I have been looking forward to for the last four years.

The call from Ireland pulled on my heart strings in no small way. How could I not accept! I am sure you have all heard of Pat Falvey that amazing Corkman who conquered the seven tallest mountains in the world, not once but twice. He has also conquered the South Pole and is now on his way to conquering the North Pole, just now as you think about going home to your nice warm bed.

I have been commissioned to write a one man play on Pat's life. Too big a challenge for me not to accept! Sadly instead of being in New York I will be in Ireland researching for this assignment. Pat Falvey is an extraordinary man who has had an extraordinary and complex life which has all the ingredients for an extraordinary stage show. Pat's story is such a positive one. It is exactly what Ireland needs right now to look forward and not back at what has happened over the last few years. His is an inspiring story that will ignite the passion in everyone to look to the future.

While in Ireland I will bethinking of you all on St Pat's Day and the fun you will all be having. Pat Falvey and Clare O'Leary on the other hand will be tracking over the ice on their way to the North Pole in 45 degrees minus. No place to be drinking a pint of Guinness and no hope of picking fresh Shamrock there.

On my way to Ireland I will be travelling on a Qantas A380; this is the same kind of aircraft on which one of the engines blew up near Singapore some months back. I will be interviewing the Captain of my flight to talk to him about various matters including safety.

On my trip to the USA in March last year you might remember I interviewed Captain John Killingback on that flight and he gave me a confidence-plus report on the safety of the A380. The media has been scare mongering on this aircraft and I am determined to get the true story and from whom better, than the Captains and pilots who fly the aircraft.

Speaking of safety what a tragedy was bestowed on the aviation industry with the sad and sorry air crash at Cork Airport! I have flown in and out of Cork many times and I know it has many days of fog and that can be a hazardous thing to deal with. But in this case I can't for the life of me see why.

After two aborted attempts to land, the pilot didn't divert to Farranfore in Co. Kerry or Shannon Airport. No doubt there will be an inquiry and all will be revealed, meanwhile I beg of you not to let this tragic event put you off flying.

To say I have flown more times than I have had breakfast is an understatement and I can assure you I am much more comfortable flying than I am driving a car anywhere in the world.

Valentine's Day will have come and gone by the time you have read this article and I wonder what If anything has changed over the years towards your loved one. Did you buy him or her flowers, chocolate, send him or her a card, is the flame still burning? Do you think that now because you have moved on in your relationship there's no more need for those lovey dovey things anymore and if so why not?

What's changed? If you wooed him or her with all those niceties and thought they were romantic then, why aren't they romantic now; again I ask what's changed? I am one of those people who is a sap when it comes to romance, I love the elegance of romance and everything and anything that keeps the flame burning brightly.

I love the element of surprising my loved one with the unexpected, I'm all for Valentine's every day. If you forgot your loved one last week why not rectify that this week? It's better to be late than never.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the changing of the guards in politics; Tunisia, Egypt, Australia and Ireland. I am never shy in speaking my mind of my dislike and disrespect for politicians. When I reach Ireland on March 12 there will be a new government, a government I hope and pray will have respect and loyalty to the people who elected them.

Ireland is crying out for a government that can be a team of champions and not just a team of players. A team that sees no boundaries on what can be achieved. Ireland demands politicians that are willing to look back when they retire on a career that inspired a nation. Yes we need politicians who are visionaries with integrity. I hope that's not asking too much and if it is I'm afraid we won't succussed.

Some years ago I did a large feature story on Australian homes and the estate where I live which is called Waterways; so called because the estate is built around five lakes.

When we built our dream home, which I described then as the "Taj Mahal on the lakes", we were told it might flood once in a hundred years. I have written about the drought here in Australia over the last four and half years. So would you believe the lakes have flooded three times this summer alone? So much we may say for the honesty of the real estate people and the accuracy of the so-called developers and planners.

Last week the estate was surrounded by water not unlike old Audie Murphy cowboy movies where the wagon train is circled by attacking Indians.

There was no way in and no way out and to make matters worse, there was no warning of the pending flood. You would think in this modern day of High Tech communication and long term weather forecasts that some bright spark would have noticed the tail end of a cyclone (hurricane) coming our way; as I said you would think so but, you, like me, would be wrong. As I say, unfortunately that's what happens when you have monkeys looking after the zoo. Luckily for us no water entered our home we were safe by about eight feet from the door.

The politician, and his party, who was in charge of the planning department and the developers who put money in the accounts of the party are now long gone. There's your reflection on the honest trading and planning of the responsible people. As I have said many times, politicians are as honest as the encouragement you are prepared to put in their back pocket.

The time has come for you and I to take a break from one another for a couple of weeks so until then, be good to those who love you and Slainte from Downunder. C

Ps: Thanks to all of you who agreed and were as outraged as I was with my article and comments on the failed and pathetic performance of the Cowen Fianna Fail Party

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