Tuesday November 30, 2010

Ronnie McGinn's Poetry Page

If you have a poem you'd like to see published in The Irish Examiner then send it to:

The Poetry Corner
The Irish Examiner USA
1040 Jackson Avenue, Third Floor
Long Island City
NY 11101

or, preferably, you can email it direct to

If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it's original. We look forward to hearing from you.

Joan McCarthy of Midleton Co. Cork, Ireland has been verse writing for some years, often amusing poems for work colleagues on their departure from the workplace or to commemorate memorable events in either her own or other people's lives or highlight issues which annoy her, such as the early saturation in shops and in the media about Christmas.

Please Don't Mention Christmas!

With all this talk of Christmas,
I really have to say,
how sad it all just makes me feel,
On this first November day.

It's meant to be a magic time,
of quiet reflection too,
But why a circus it's become,
I just don't know... do you?

The shops are full of merchandise,
to try and make us spend,
Buy, buy, buy the ads shout out,
But where will it all end?

The telly has begun its ads,
Before autumn leaves are gone,
And already airways are sneaking in,
The odd old Christmas song.

So please just stop this horrid trend,
And let this season take its time,
The place for all this Christmas hype
Is much further down the line.

© Joan McCarthy

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