Tuesday February 9, 2010

At The Mike Stand With... Kiernan McMullan

By Mike Fitzpatrick

Singer/songwriter Kiernan McMullan has been a tad busy lately you know, no really, he has.

Having grown up in Boston, Massachusetts (as opposed to the other Bostons, in case you were wondering), he moved to Ireland in his teens, where he went on to nurture, and then hone, his talents as a vocalist/guitarist (there's just not enough nurturing and honing going on these days, haven't you noticed?).

Having subsequently recorded his debut record, 'Perfect People Are Boring', the man whose name is more than occasionally spelled incorrectly (much more than Tom Jones but possibly less than Engelbert Humperdinck) went on to tour Ireland, playing alongside such artists as Cathy Davey, The Coronas, the Zutons and Sharon Shannon.

Far more than just your regular singing, songwriting troubadour however, Kiernan's material also displays influences from the worlds of jazz, funk, rock and pop.

Currently on an acoustic tour, the album was recorded with a full band, and that, as well as his more recent acoustic EP, 'The Best Part', is available at Mr. McMullan, welcome to At The Mike Stand.

What would you like your own tribute act to be called?
Probably just have it called "Kiernan McMullan" with my name spelled right. I'm not sure I've ever seen it spelled exactly right on a poster!

When's the last time you laughed out loud?
Probably a couple nights back when I tripped walking up the steps in a crowded cinema. And because we were late the place was packed and my fall got lit up in perfect time by the light from the cinema screen just as I fell. By the time I finally got to my seat I couldn't hold it together.

What act would you like to have seen perform live?
I have been lucky to see a lot of my favorites live already but I would still love to see Jimmy Eat World and Incubus. And probably Tool and John Butler again!

What team(s) do you support?
Not the most avid sports watcher to be honest, but I'll watch rugby, usually Munster.

What period in history would you most like to have visited?
Well seeing as I just finished watching "Jurassic Park 3" I am going to have to go with the Jurassic period. I like a good challenge!

What song would you most like to have written?
Hard question, how do you come up with just one? 'Hide and Seek' by Imogen Heap.

Who or what, would make you leave a room?
Johnny Borrell.

What decade rules (and why)?
I would say the 60s: Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Aretha, the list goes on!

What cover version do you most enjoy performing?
'Call Me Al' by Paul Simon.

Have you ever been told you looked like somebody?
David Cook quite often for some strange reason. I don't see it!

What's the first album you remember buying?
Well I remember the first tape I actually got was Hootie and the Blowfish - Cracked Rear View. I think the first CD was Michael Jackson's 'History'.

Who's your favorite Beatle?
George Harrison.

What's your favorite Christmas song?
Oh man... Christmas songs... ugh... let's go for 'Felic Navidad'!

Who's the most rock and roll person who ever lived?

What artist/song/genre do you secretly enjoy listening to?
I don't secretly enjoy anything. I like stuff that I get hassled for listening to, but I'll admit it. 90s Pop Rock just makes my day better!

Who would you most like to meet/have met?
Bob Marley or Jimi Hendrix.

What book can you read again and again?
'Captain Underpants' (childhood favorite).

What's the greatest album ever recorded?
Ah come on, it isn't even close to possible to answer that question. Michael Jackson's 'Bad' , The Beatles' 'White Album', Radiohead's 'OK Computer' are a few... I'm gonna stop or I'll be here all day!

What artists would you most like to have played with in the band of your dreams?
Victor Wooten on Bass, Steve Jordan on drums, and Ben Harper and John Butler as guitar vocalists as well as myself. Anyone feel like helping make that possible?

What do few people know about you?
I have an almost crippling fear of bees and I don't even know why!

What sitcom character can you most identify with?
Jason Segal's character in 'How I Met Your Mother' because I am still looking for the perfect hamburger again!

What movie can you watch over and over again?
'Grandma's Boy'.

Who's your favorite cartoon character?
Brock Samson (The Venture Brothers).

What's the greatest place you've visited?
Asia was amazing, so was North Africa. But I also actually loving touring in North America because the scenery changes so vastly so fast!

What's mankind's most wonderful invention?

What's mankind's most irritating invention?
A few years ago I would have said the 'Furby' but nowadays it would have to be Bluetooth headsets. I walk around thinking everyone is talking to themselves.

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