Tuesday November 17, 2009

US Firm Opens Office In Belfast

"For a globally respected high tech company to not only choose Belfast as the location for its European Headquarters, but to invest in a further expansion only three years later, is a strong endorsement of our local talent pool and knowledge infrastructure."

Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster officially opened new offices for the global telecommunications software firm BroadSoft, Inc. at the Northern Ireland Science Park in Belfast last week.

Based in Gaithersburg, Maryland the US firm is the leading worldwide provider of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications for the telecommunications industry.

In 2006, BroadSoft® located its European headquarters in Belfast. In October 2009, the company confirmed further expansion plans, supported by Invest Northern Ireland, that will see up to 23 software developers employed within the next three to five years.

The Minister said: "For a globally respected high tech company to not only choose Belfast as the location for its European Headquarters, but to invest in a further expansion only three years later, is a strong endorsement of our local talent pool and knowledge infrastructure.

"Invest NI is increasingly attracting this type of high quality investment from world leading companies and its reputation as a global hub for technology based businesses is growing. This new facility in the Northern Ireland Science Park now provides BroadSoft with the opportunity to progress its growth plans and ensure the company continues to provide world class, real-time technical support and training to its European customers."

The expansion of BroadSoft's Belfast operations further establishes the company's strong presence in Europe, the Middle East, and the Africa (EMEA) region. BroadSoft's technology is deployed by over 100 service providers in the European market, including Telefonica, T-Systems, TDC, Slovak Telecom, Belgacom and KPN.

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