Tuesday September 2, 2009

'Lion Of The Senate' Laid To Rest

Senator Edward M. Kennedy finally succumbed to cancer and died at his Hyannis Port home late last Tuesday night.

A statement from the family read: "We've lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever.   We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all.  He loved this country and devoted his life to serving it.   He always believed that our best days were still ahead, but it's hard to imagine any of them without him."

Senator Kennedy was the third longest-serving member of the United States Senate in American history. Voters of Massachusetts elected him to the Senate nine times - a record matched by only one other Senator.

The scholar Thomas Mann said his time in the Senate was "an amazing and endurable presence. You want to go back to the 19th century to find parallels, but you won't find parallels."

President Obama described his breathtaking span of accomplishment saying: "For five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance the civil rights, health, and economic well being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts."

He fought for and won so many great battles - on voting rights, education, immigration reform, the minimum wage, national service, the nation's first major legislation to combat AIDS, and equality for minorities, women, the disabled and gay Americans.

He called health care "the cause of my life," and succeeded in bringing quality and affordable health care for countless Americans, including children, seniors and Americans with disabilities. Until the end he was working tirelessly to achieve historic national health reform.

He was an opponent of the Vietnam War and an early champion of the war's refugees. He was a powerful yet lonely voice from the beginning against the invasion of Iraq.

He stood for human rights abroad - from Chile to the former Soviet Union - and was a leader in the cause of poverty relief for the poorest nations of Africa and the world.

He was the conscience of his party, and also the Senate's greatest master of forging compromise with the other party. Known as the "Lion of the Senate," Senator Kennedy was widely respected on both sides of the aisle for his commitment to progress and his ability to legislate.

Senator Kennedy was Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Previously he was Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He also served on the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. He was a leader of the Congressional Friends of Ireland and helped lead the way toward peace on that island.

Senator Edward Kennedy was laid to rest next to his brothers in Arlington National Cemetery (Photocall)

He was a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Virginia Law School. He lived in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, with his wife Vicki. He is survived by her and their five children Kara, Edward Jr., and Patrick Kennedy, and Curran and Caroline Raclin, and his sister Jean Kennedy Smith.

Senator Kennedy was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday, next to his brothers, President Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy. Taoiseach, Brian Cowen T.D., released a statement that read: "I am very saddened to learn of the passing of Senator Ted Kennedy last night.

"Senator Ted Kennedy was one of the most distinguished and talented figures in American politics.  Over 47 years as a Senator, he has made a massive contribution to his country and to the causes of justice and peace around the world.  

"The huge esteem in which Ted was held across the United States was never more evident than last year in the outpouring of concern and good wishes when news of his illness became public.  

"He has been described as being the "the Lion of the Senate" in recognition of his legislative record and for his constant championing of the political causes which were dear to him throughout his political life.  He was a great advocate for the vulnerable and the less well-off in society.  

"Ted Kennedy, who hailed from the most famous Irish-American family, through his own endeavours and achievement, added further distinction to his family's well-earned reputation for public service.

"Ted Kennedy will be remembered with great affection and enduring respect here in Ireland.   Ted Kennedy was a great friend of Ireland.

"In good days and bad, Ted Kennedy worked valiantly for the cause of peace on this island.  He played a particularly important role in the formative days of the Northern Ireland Peace Process.  He maintained a strong and genuine interest in its progress.  He used his political influence wisely.  He was the voice of moderation and common sense.  He was unequivocal in his rejection of violence at all times and from all quarters.  He believed that only politics would provide a sustainable and enduring way forward.  His belief that the United States could play a strong role in solving our problems has been vindicated by the success of the Peace Process. 

"He was a strong supporter of US investment in Ireland as a means of consolidating the political developments that had taken place here.  That economic dividend will be an enduring legacy of his political contribution to the Peace Process.

"In his dignified and courageous response to his illness, Ted Kennedy created his own 'Profile in Courage'.

"Today, America has lost a great and respected statesman and Ireland has lost a long-standing and true friend.  

"I wish to extend my deepest sympathies to Ted's wife, Vicki, his children, extended family and friends."

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