Tuesday August 12, 2009

Cop Killers Greeted On Release By T.D.

Charley is quite rightly disturbed that Sinn Fein's Martin Ferris T.D., decided to greet two cop-killers when they were released from jail (Photocall)

By Charley Brady

I didn't think it possible for the Sinn Fein Party to sink to even more contemptible depths but when The Kerry North T.D. Martin Ferris fell over himself to greet two killers who were being released from jail he proved me wrong.

Irish Republican murderous rats Army were being released from the cushy Castlerea Prison in Roscommon, having served just ten years.

It's not much for a man's life, especially a policeman who had given his life in defence of the Republic from just such swine as Pearse McAuley (44) and Kevin Pearse (52).

Along with Jeremiah Sheehy and Michael O'Neill they were planning a raid on a postal van in county Limerick on June 7 1986.

Detective Garda Jerry McCabe and his partner Detective Garda Ben O'Sullivan were escorting the van on its deliveries when the four-man IRA gang struck.

At ten minutes to seven in the morning they used a stolen jeep to ram the two policemen's vehicle. Then, in camouflage gear and using AK47 assault rifles they attacked the men who sat stunned in their car.

With 15 bullets pumped into him from point blank range, Jerry McCabe, the 52-year-old father of five was killed instantly. Detective O'Sullivan was left seriously close to death.

Think of these two policemen the next time the cannon fodder of Sinn Fein/IRA come around your Irish pubs shaking their tins, because terrorism is simply that - terrorism. The only difference between June 7 and 9/11 is, in the end, the sheer scale of what happened in New York.

There has never been a sign of regret from anyone involved. Gerry Adams himself has consistently refused to condemn the killing. In fact the closest he has come was to mutter something about it being "regrettable".

When asked if he felt it unseemly that his fellow Shinner was part of the entourage, he said: "I don't buy into that at all... Nothing that we did was meant to cause any offence to the McCabe family. We have been very clear and I repeated this other day that this was a ghastly injustice inflicted on the McCabe and Sullivan party."

Yes, clear as mud but I bet that was a great consolation to the two families when they heard of the cushy time the men had in ther captivity, where they were know as the kings of Castlerea and were in a low security area known as "the Grove".

And how did the police themselves feel when they saw a politician helping out the killers of one of their own? It's digusting.

I just hope that the voters of Kerry do the right thing when it comes time to put Ferris back in or to take him out of power.

It's bad enough that the charges were ludicrously reduced to manslaughter, bad enough that McAuley and Pearse served a laughable ten years; bad enough that there's a Sinn Fein fundraiser next month where it is expected that the four men will be re-united and bad enough that they will undoubtedly walk into a hero's welcome.

But the icing on this dreadful cake had to be the sight of an elected T.D. of the State being there at the prison to welcome out the men responsible for murdering a representative of the law of that same State.

It simply beggars belief and says a mountain of things about morals in this country that Ferris would organise to have the thugs removed with the minimum of problems.

As he says himself: "It was the decision of the two lads themselves in conjunction with those of us who support them on the outside. They just wanted to get away from the prison. They did not want any triumphalism."

That was very gracious of them, now wasn't it?

For the young supporters of SF/IRA who like, as young people do, that whiff of brimstone that comes from them - I'm not including the older ones who are beyond help - I hope that this shows them the reality of what these twisted bastards are capable of.

And I hope, as always, to see you next week.

Same bat-time!

Same bat-channel!

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