Tuesday July 8, 2009

G'Day From Downunder

"Love him or hate him there is no denying that no one came even close to the amazing talent that this wonderful, not a once in a lifetime but just a once, artist."

By Mike Bowen

Now that I've got the rotten taste of the Ryan Report out of my mouth I will try and get back to some sort of normality, which is more than I can say for the poor victims of the said report.

So get the kettle cranked up again and let's see what the tea tastes like after that bit of a break.

Who among you doesn't have a song in your heart, a song that you would love to share with the world?

How exciting would it be for you if you could share that wonderful emotional feeling with an audience? And how exciting would it be for you to know you could move an audience to cry or laugh with your lyrics and melodies?

I had a small experience of that in a few of my songs that were recorded by me and some other artists.

Now magnify my modest success and your own aspirations to be able to fit into the music industry, by an unimaginable figure.

Add to that an amazing talent that will continue to sell unbelievable millions of CDs for many years into the future, long, long after you and I go to meet our maker. Even that falls short of the enigma that was and still is Michael Jackson.

Love him or hate him there is no denying that no one came even close to the amazing talent that this wonderful, not a once in a lifetime but just a once, artist.

To those of you who were lucky enough to see him at his finest, cherish the memories for you will never see anything like it again.

This amazingly talented artist had more talent in his small finger than all the others put together.

Many times he was called "Wacko Jacko" or a "Freak" by the press! You can't be normal living in an abnormal lifestyle so how could you expect anything else from one who was isolated from normal society?

It's not like he could have walked down the road to the local store for a bottle of milk or a loaf of bread for if he did, no doubt in a matter of seconds you would have the paparazzi setting up their tents outside the store. Then the local police would have to redirect the thousands of onlookers and extra traffic police would have to be deployed to manage the safety of the public spilling on to the surrounding streets.

There was no oasis for him once he stepped out in public, such was the magnitude of his fame. I know Elvis is credited with the title 'King of Rock & Roll', well if that is so, Michael was and always will be 'Emperor of Pop'.

I really do have to admit that Elvis wasn't in the same league as Michael. Michael could write amazing songs had a brilliant command of a song was a consummate dancer and athlete.

When he hit the stage there was no way that the audience could take an eye off him even for a second, he was the complete and consummate act.

As with every genius there are also flaws and Michael was no exception. I'm as sure of that as there are millions weeping because of his loss. There will also be many who will be rubbing their hands saying good riddance too!

I am going to go out on a limb here and say I have yet to be convinced that Michael abused children!

I know some of you might be outraged by my stance here considering the strong attack I took to the Ryan Report, the abuse of Irish children. But, please, before you denounce me as a defender of Michael's character, remember that the Courts make judgements on these matters, they hear all the evidence from both sides and if we have any confidence in the law Michael is innocent.

Let me tell you the music industry is not the place for the faint hearted; it is ruthless, every bit as ruthless as the drug lords or the mafia.

It makes its own rules and judgements and Michael would not be the first person to be besmirched because he stepped out of line.

Cast your minds back to George Michael and his then broken relationship with his record company.

The publicity machine went nuts on his personal life as with Prince and as with Maria Carey.

Once they fell foul of their record companies their personal lives became fodder for the press. Just a coincidence? I don't think so, it's what I call 'The Dog in the Manger' syndrome. If I can't have you no one can.

So what was different with Michael Jackson? When you sign with a record company and they spend big bucks on you they don't just want their pound of flesh, they want all of you and if you dare to move to another label you bring the 'Wrath of God' upon yourself.

As the Eagles put it so nicely in their classic song 'Hotel California', "you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave".

You have to understand the commercial importance of that cash cow, Michael Jackson to understand how the industry would try to manipulate him.

It is reported Michael sold over nine hundred million albums/CDs and that's an awful lot of money in any terms.

So is it any wonder when Michael fell foul of the industry the flood gates of manure opened and filled the tabloid pages around the world who then bestowed the names 'Wacko Jacko' and 'The Freak' upon him?

The press is always kept in line by the industry until any of their artists step out of line. Then they are thrown to the lions like Christians in Roman times for the entertainment of all.

From my own experience of the industry all I can say is "thank God I don't have to rely on it for a living," for if I did I would also end up a freak.

The industry has many skeletons in its closets who are too frightened to come out.

Freaks that would make Michael Jackson look like an alter boy, and don't kid yourself the movie industry isn't any different.

So let's leave it at that and be thankful for the talent that Michael shared with us and let's be grateful that we were here at the right time to marvel at his wonder. May he now have peace wherever he is, probably dancing on the moon!

You may ask "what's that got to do with 'Downunder'?". Well, not much, but he was phenomenally popular here as everywhere else in the world

Before I finish I thought I would give you an update on the adoption; you know, don't you remember? I put myself up for adoption, well I got really excited this week I got an email from Lyn Van Phu from Hanoi who offered to put ten million Dong into my bank account in order to adopt me sight unseen.

I was off down to the travel agents to arrange a visit to my new parents until I worked out the exchange rate.

You can send offers, abuse, opinions or just say "hi" to

Now that leaves the gate wide open for other bidders; so until I talk to you again be good to those who love you and Slainte from Downunder!

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