Tuesday June 17, 2009

Ahern Publishes Anti-Human Trafficking Plan

The Justice Minister Dermot Ahern T.D. launching an awareness raising campaign in relation to trafficking in human beings (Photocall)

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Dermot Ahern TD, has published a National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking.

The National Action Plan contains a range of measures designed to crackdown on individuals and gangs involved in trafficking in people, awareness campaigns and the collection of up to date data on the nature and extent of trafficking.

The Plan sets out measures already introduced and areas which require further action.  It sets outs the structures which, when in place, will bring Ireland into line with its international obligations, allowing for the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings and the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.

Minister Ahern said: "This plan is a key element in fulfilling this Government's commitment to tackling trafficking in people - one of the most horrendous crimes worldwide.  Effectively, we are dealing with a modern form of slavery, a gross violation of human rights and an extremely profitable business for organised crime. Our Plan is designed to support victims and create a hostile environment for those who seek to perpetrate this evil crime both within our jurisdiction and across our borders.  

"It is difficult to estimate the levels of human trafficking because of the nature of the crime. One victim is one too many.  This Plan is designed to ensure that we have a strategy in place which will proactively and comprehensively address this issue.  We want to raise awareness of the issue among the general public and put in place the structures required to protect victims and bring the perpetrators to justice."

Minister Ahern concluded by saying, "I want to acknowledge in particular the contributions made by many NGOs in addressing this issue and in the preparation of the Plan as well as the efforts of the many governmental agencies involved.  The Plan represents - for the first time in this jurisdiction - a detailed roadmap in relation to tackling the scourge of human trafficking but its implementation will, of course, be subject to continuous review among all those involved in this area and we will continue to develop responses in the light of emerging trends. I look forward to the high level of co-operation between the governmental and non-governmental sector, which is reflected in the Plan, continuing."

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