Tuesday May 20, 2009

Ruane Expresses Concern Over Southern University Places

"The CAO has provided some verbal assurances that candidates from the north will not be disadvantaged relative to any previous year."

Northern Education Minister, CaitrĂ­ona Ruane, has said that young people from the North should not be disadvantaged in applying for university places in the south of Ireland.

The Central Applications Office (CAO) in the south issued letters to schools and A-Level candidates in the North which appear to indicate that, this year, a different admissions process will be applied to applicants presenting GCE results from that applied to applicants presenting Leaving Certificate results.

The Minister said: "I have been made aware of a potential issue which could see some of our young people who are applying to universities in the south of Ireland disadvantaged.

"This is an important event for our young people and it is essential that they are given every opportunity to apply on an equal basis for courses and places that can shape their future careers.

"I understand the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) has been in contact with the Central Applications Office in the south to press for clarification. The CAO has provided some verbal assurances that candidates from the north will not be disadvantaged relative to any previous year. However, we need to establish the exact position for students and parents as soon as possible. In addition, I will be raising this through the North/South Ministerial Council."

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