Tuesday July 23, 2008

Re-Elect Jack Meehan AOH President

Ar Aghaidh le Meehan!

By Patrick Hurley

Jack Meehan, the current AOH National President, has been an active Hibernian for nearly 30 years.

His home Division is Div #14 in Watertown, Massachusetts.

He is the third member of that Division to serve as AOH National President. Jack has served his Division as President, Vice President, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, and as an appointive officer.

In 1987, he was appointed to the Massachusetts State Board AOH as Chairman of Freedom for All Ireland. Jack served as Massachusetts State Board President (1993-1995), Vice President (1991-1993), State Secretary (1989-1991), as well as State Chairman of Immigration, High Stakes Drawing, State Convention Co-Chairman, and member of the Massachusetts Major Degree Team.

Jack has served the National Board in many posts including National President (2006-present), National Vice President (2002-2006), National Treasurer (1998-2002), National Director (1994-1998), National Irish Language Chairman and columnist for the National Hibernian Digest (1990-2000).

At the height of the 1980s illegal Irish immigration crisis, when legal Irish immigration was impossible due to the adverse, discriminatory 1965 Immigration Act, Jack served as AOH National Immigration Chairman.

He worked diligently and tirelessly, in conjunction with the IIRM and other activists to effect changes that would bring relief to the illegal Irish.

The ultimate result of their efforts was the passage of the Donnelly NP5 and Morrison AA1 Visa programs.

While the thousands of Green Cards brought much needed alleviation at the time, Jack is acutely aware that the 1965 admissions system, still in effect, is an unacceptable de facto "No Irish Need Apply" policy.

He is confident that within the context of reforming immigration policy to meet the cultural, economic, intellectual and security interests of the United States, a permanent resolution of the Irish immigration problem can be achieved. Jack will continue to strive in that direction.

Jack represented the National and Massachusetts State Boards of the AOH on the Boston Irish Famine Memorial Committee.

Today, the monument erected by the committee stands in a very prominent place on the Freedom Trail as a stark reminder of that horrendous period in Irish American history.

Fiercely proud of his heritage, Jack continually works to preserve Irish culture in our great nation, the United States, that has become home to so many Irish people.

He longs to see a united Ireland, Gaelic and free from British military occupation and governmental intervention.

This goal, in his view, is non-negotiable. That is his position. He has stood by it and defended it for many years. It will not change.

During his two terms as AOH National Vice President, Jack proposed the establishment of the Holy Cross/Ardoyne Trust Fund to assist fellow AOH member and John F. Kennedy Memorial Medal recipient, Fr. Aidan Troy in his work with cross - community relations and reconciliation in the interface area of Ardoyne, North Belfast.

He was proud to serve as the fund's National Board Chairman.

In addition, Jack proposed the establishment and served as National Board Chairman of the AOH's Hurricane Disaster Relief Effort.

The AOH's Katrina Fund was of essential assistance to the order's members who had suffered incredibly in the devastating New Orleans natural disaster.

Through Jack's determination and efforts, both funds were among the most successful initiatives ever undertaken by the AOH and LAOH.

In testimony to the generosity of the AOH and LAOH, each fund raised in excess of $100,000 for their intended causes.

One of Jack's proudest achievements as National President has been the establishment of the AOH's National Board Veterans Affairs Committee, chaired by member J.J. Kelly, a graduate of West Point and a retired U.S. Army colonel.

This committee provides much needed assistance to young men and women returning with life altering injuries from service in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It also renders assistance to older veterans. This is a truly noble and essential service to our veterans who have given so much to the citizens of our great nation.

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