Tuesday July 23, 2008

Joe Kavanagh's Music News

Lily Allen's Unlikely Friend - Mayor of London, Boris Johnson

Bono and the Edge have won their prolonged battle with preservationists and various government departments, after it was announced last week that they have been given the go ahead to expand Dublin's Clarence Hotel. The hotel is expected to be gutted in the coming months as the two men set about tripling its capacity, but there are certain caveats attached to the decision, including an order to have an archeologist on the site at all times, given the hugely historic nature of that area of the city. Preservationists fear that many of the surrounding historic buildings will now be torn down as a result of the renovations and quietly view the decision as another example of big business trumping cultural concerns. A statement issued by Bono and the Edge claimed that the decision is "great news for Dublin and Temple Bar in particular." Yeah right, because we all know that U2 only make decisions based on what's best for us all. Bono and the Edge are doing this for Bono and the Edge. I suppose moving their entire business operation to Holland, just so they wouldn't have to share any of their loot with the Irish taxman, was for our benefit too...

The Ron Wood story continued to generate headlines last week as he finally agreed to enter rehab, after a sit-down chat with his son, Jesse. The Rolling Stones guitarist created quite a stir over the last few weeks when he became romantically involved with a 19-year-old Russian cocktail waitress named Ekaterina Ivanova. It is now being reported that Woods' alleged lover even lived with him during his recent stay in the UK's Priory Clinic, in his ongoing battle to give up an alcohol habit that reportedly has him drinking two bottles of vodka per day. The 61-year-old's wife of 23 years, Jo, is allegedly so hurt and angry over the episode that she refuses to meet with her husband and will reportedly leave the UK in an effort to get away from the media spotlight. Ivanova's mother, Irina, was also talking to the media regarding her daughter's decision, saying: "She loves him. It's not because of the money he has. Katia is so naive. She is just 19. She is so depressed. She is crying a lot. Everybody has to pay for what they have done. I am her mother and I am not happy about what has happened. She must be more careful." So let's get this straight, if Ron Wood gave away all his money tomorrow, young Katerina would still stay with him forever-ever-ever? Call me skeptical but I'm having images of snowballs and hell. I'm not saying that she's a gold digger but if Ron Wood were to suddenly run out of cash then that girl would be gone faster than a Dick Cheney urine sample after a hunting trip...

Stuart Copeland claims that The Police will never reform again after the band winds up their current world tour in Madison Square Garden next month. The drummer says that the reunion was a one-off event and that he would never contemplate joining the band again. I wonder could he talk Sting into giving us the same assurances on his own solo career? Just a thought...

John Lennon's early life is to be the subject of a new movie, which is expected to begin shooting within the next few months. British screenwriter Matt Greenhalgh will direct 'Nowhere Man,' which will be based on the book 'John Lennon: My Brother,' written by the legendary Beatles' half sister, Julie Baird. The movie is expected to center on the struggle that epitomized Lennon's early life, being raised by his aunt Mimi and pundits are already predicting controversy. Given the fact that Greenhalgh wrote the screenplay for the superb movie, 'Control,' I would imagine that Lennon's legacy is in very safe hands...

We journalists have managed to mine Pete Doherty's misdeeds for many a story over the past three years, so we should be equally willing to report the good things. Let's forget for a second the fact that an arrest warrant was issued and then withdrawn in his name last week (for assault on a paparazzo) and instead focus on his decision to show up and play a gig at the funeral of one of his fans last week. The troubled rocker paid the tribute at the funeral of 16-year-old, Daniel Squires, who passed away from bone cancer but had been a huge fan of Doherty's music and even met the singer at a gig several months back. Squires' family and friends were said to be extremely touched by Doherty's gesture...

Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey have allegedly had a huge falling out on the eve of The Who's latest US tour. The argument allegedly began when the two men were discussing the tour set-list, with Townshend wanting to include more of his new songs, while Daltrey was adamant that they should stick to the hits. I know who I'd go with on that one because I have never, ever in my entire life even heard of anyone requesting a Pete Townshend song. Anyway, the two men have apparently fallen out so badly that they will stay in separate hotels throughout the tour and even have separate dressing rooms at opposite sides of the stage. Perhaps Pete just orchestrated to whole thing to allow him a little privacy so he can do some more "research" on his computer during down time...

Lily Allen met with bungling Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, last week in an effort to address to soaring incidences of knife crime in the city. In fairness, I do laud Lily's efforts and even those of the man once referred to as "the thinking man's idiot" but I can't see what tea and cucumber sandwiches is going to do to stop kids dying by the day. I believe there is talk of a concert in London later this year with Oasis as the headline act. I'm not saying that the idea is totally useless but Live Aid and Live 8 did not fix Africa and I'm pretty sure that Live Earth did not have much effect on environmental policies of companies or countries. The last time a gig changed the world was when Helen of Troy sang at her sister's big fat Greek wedding...

While we're on the subject of fat, Chris Martin claims that the members of Coldplay have decided to go on a fitness binge after a few choice words from former Stone Roses, and current Primal Scream, bassist, Mani. Martin and company were backstage at a gig recently when Mani approached him and told him that "nobody wants a fat pop star." According to the Coldplay frontman: "He (Mani) was eating a sandwich and I asked him what was in it. He told me it was salad and that I should eat the same."... A recent Nelly Furtado concert in Moscow descended into violence when one of her support acts and his entourage became embroiled in a brawl with security staff. Russian rapper, Timati, had just finished his opening set and was returning to the stage for a scheduled duet with Furtado when security staff set upon him. Timati lost a tooth in the ensuing melee and has vowed to bring the security guards to justice. A spokesperson for the security claimed: "We learned at the last moment he was going to perform with Furtado. I gave the order not to let him on stage." That's pretty rough. I mean, I can understand security getting spooked if Timati was not due to appear, but these guys just seemed to decide that they were not going to let him on. Could he be that bad a rapper that the security guys just decided "Absolutely no bloody way men! Get 'im!" Note to Nelly Furtado, next time you're playing Moscow, please ask James Blunt and Phil Collins to do a number with you.

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