Tuesday July 9, 2008

Joe Kavanagh's Music News

"Although it's hard to know who's right and who's wrong in these things, I'd have to say that having two of your own brothers saying how you're behaving like an ass is a pretty good indicator."

Jay Z's recent performance at Glastonbury continues to be one of the main stories in European music news, with the Brooklyn rapper's performance winning over virtually all of those critics who claimed that hip hop had no business headlining the storied music festival. Oasis guitarist Noel Gallagher was particularly vehement in his criticism of the decision saying Jay Z had "no chance" of succeeding, only for the rapper to begin his critically-acclaimed set with a cover of Oasis' Wonderwall. Gallagher was in a more conciliatory mood when talking to the press last week and even admitted that he might have to change his outspoken ways, after his words caused an international spat between guitar bands and hip hop acts. Said Gallagher: "For the record, I Iike Jay-Z. That's my opinion. If it offends people, don't ask me any more questions. I should do these things and answer like every two-bit pop star." Jay Z also stated that the incident is now over and even hinted that he might be interested in collaborating with Gallagher on a future music project. When asked by MTV to list artists that he would be interested in working with, Jay Z claimed: "Oasis as well - it doesn't matter to me, I don't bear any grudge, it's all good. I just believe in good music and bad music, I've always said that. I haven't spoken to him (but) I heard he was reaching out... I don't bear any grudge, it's all good"...

Abba have ignited rumors that a reunion is imminent after all four members of the former super-group appeared in public for the Swedish debut of the musical, Mamma Mia, which - for those of you living on the moon - is based on the works of Abba. It marks only the third time that all four members have appeared together since their breakup in 1986 and many in the media were reluctant to believe it would happen this time around, given the fact that Agnetha Faltskog (the blonde one) lives as a total recluse and has nixed Abba reunions in the past. The band was famously offered a billion dollars to reform for a series of gigs around the world some years back, but refused saying that they would never play together again but member, Benny Andersson, told journalists last week that he would definitely be open to a reunion. John Lennon famously named Abba, when asked which act he thought would step into the void left by the Beatles and given the fact that they went on to sell over 370 million records and have a fan base that is at least as large now as it was in their heyday, it appears he was bang on the money...

Paul McCartney has become the new face of British Paralympics after the former Beatle proved so inspired by the story of equestrian paralympian, Sophie Christiansen, that he felt compelled to offer his assistance in any future fundraising activities. Macca will now appear in a series of TV ads directed at raising the $4 million required to send the British team to upcoming Paralympics in Beijing. Not that any charity would touch her with a ten-foot pole, but considering the fact that Heather Mills basically portrayed herself as a person whose raison d'etre was charitable causes, I haven't heard any mention of her altruistic deeds since she got her golden handshake in divorce court a few months back. I kind of miss having the crazy lady around because she was always good for an outrageous quote or ludicrous action, such as the time she encouraged us all to switch from cow's milk to milk from rats. You can't make that kind of stuff up but somehow I doubt Paul McCartney misses her much...

Rufus Wainwright might consider George W. Bush's daughter, Barbara, as one of his friends but I very much doubt that he can expect an invite to her father's hillbilly ranch down in Texas any time soon, after the singer made a couple of choice comments about America's first family during an interview with an English newspaper. Speaking of how he reconciles his political beliefs with being friendly with the Bushes, Wainwright answered: "The thing about the Bushes is even though they're the spawn of Satan they are extremely charming and congenial." If he said that about Cheney he'd probably be in Guantanamo Bay before he could close the lid on his piano. Now, you talk about your spawn of Satan, I just have to see his crocodile smile on TV and I get a chill right to the core of my being...

While we are on the subject of Guantanamo Bay - however obliquely - David Gray is positively apoplectic that the US military is using his song, Babylon, in torturing inmates in the notorious prison. According to documents released by the US military, Gray's song, along with music from other acts such as Barney the Dinosaur and Rage Against The Machine, are blasted at high volume in order to coerce or cajole prisoners into changing their behavior. Gray is disgusted and lashed out in the media last week, saying: "What we're talking about here is people in a darkened room, physically inhibited by handcuffs, bags over their heads and music blaring at them. That is nothing but torture. It doesn't matter what the music is - it could be Tchaikovsky's finest or it could be Barney the Dinosaur. It really doesn't matter, it's going to drive you completely nuts. No-one wants to even think about it or discuss the fact that we've gone above and beyond all legal process and we're torturing people." Retired US Lt.-Col. Dan Kuehl, recently defended the methods in an interview with the St Petersburg Times, saying: "Joshua's army used horns to strike fear into the hearts of the people of Jericho. His men might not have been able to break down literal walls with their trumpets, but the noise eroded the enemy's courage." Somebody should probably tell Col. Wingnut that not every story in the Bible is completely true. Torture is torture and, as the saying goes: you can put lipstick and makeup on a pig, but it's still a pig...

And the anger continues, Queen guitarist Brian May has blasted UK television bosses for cutting some of the band's performance at the recent 90th birthday party thrown in London for Nelson Mandela. Audiences watching on television only got to see an abridged version of Queen's performance with Paul Rodgers singing in place of the late-great, Freddie Mercury. May was disgusted at the perceived slight, saying: "It baffles me how, given the privilege of televising an internationally significant event, a TV company can miss the point so badly." He is one to talk about missing the point so badly! I thought the entire point of the concert was to celebrate the life of one of the most remarkable and highly regarded leaders alive today, not about pleasing the karaoke version of Queen. Do you think they would have been cut if Freddie Mercury was still front man? Exactly...

Another storied act is facing some trouble ahead as the current members of UB40 blasted the decision of their former front man, Ali Campbell, to announce an upcoming tour where he will perform the hits of UB40. Campbell left the band under acrimonious circumstances in January of this year, and was replaced by his elder brother, Duncan. Members are disgusted that he is now trading on the band's name even as the band push forward together. Said UB40 bassist - and another Campbell brother - Robin: "Ali is calling his tour 'The Best of UB40 - 1980-2008'. That disgusts me. He wanted us to fall apart and disappear so that our fans would go to his shows. When we said we were touring without him, I think he was shocked. When our fans stuck with us, I think that was the biggest kick in the b**ls for him." Ali Campbell's decision to quit the band was famously issued to his bandmates by virtue of a letter from his lawyer and although it's hard to know who's right and who's wrong in theses things, I'd have to say that having two of your own brothers saying how you're behaving like an ass (in addition to six other band members) is a pretty good indicator.

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