Tuesday June 25, 2008

Ritchie Commemorates 1968 Caledon Protest

"We must demonstrate what can be achieved when people choose to live together rather than apart. We must learn from the past if we are to enjoy the benefits of a shared equal future."

Margaret Ritchie MLA, northern Minister for Social Development, took part in a conference last Saturday at the Armagh City Hotel to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Caledon protest.

The Conference entitled "Housing Rights for All" was also addressed by the key participant in the Caledon protest, Austin Currie and Lord Ken Magennis.

Addressing delegates Minister Ritchie said: "Just as Caledon was a catalyst for change 40 years ago, our New Housing Agenda today can bring about a new beginning, addressing housing problems today and identifying solutions for tomorrow."

The conference heard how the Minister intends to address the legacy from 40 years of segregated housing by making Shared Future Housing a central theme in all her endeavors.

The Minister said: "We must demonstrate what can be achieved when people choose to live together rather than apart. We must learn from the past if we are to enjoy the benefits of a shared equal future.

"Although the situation today is incomparably better than 40 years ago there are still a minority of people who oppose the provision of housing for those who need it.

"Inspired by the courage of Austin Currie back in 1968 we will confront those who would deny proper housing to others. We will build wherever there is need."

The conference heard from a wide variety of speakers including representatives of the South African Housing Corporation who shared their own experiences with delegates on the challenges they had faced in providing integrated housing solutions in South Africa following the end of Apartheid 1994.

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