Tuesday June 25, 2008

Power Calls For More Progress On Meeting Millennium Goals

"Ireland has a good record on the Millennium Development Goals. However we need to re-double our efforts internationally in the coming years to ensure that the Millennium Declaration becomes a reality for those still living in poverty."

Minister of State for Overseas Development, Peter Power, T.D., addressed a Forum on Progress towards reaching the UN Millennium Goals held at the Irish Aid Volunteering and Information Centre in Dublin this week.   

The Forum focused on reviewing how collaboration between Ireland, African Governments, International Organisations and NGOs is achieving real results at community level in Africa in reducing poverty. 

The Forum was also attended by Uganda's Minister for Education and Sports, Ms Geraldine Namirembe Bitamazire and by a number of other speakers from Malawi, Ethiopia and Mozambique. 

Speaking at the Forum, Minister of State Power remarked: "As a champion of the Millennium Development Goals I recognise that working for their achievement is our collective responsibility. 

"Ireland has a good record on the Millennium Development Goals. However we need to re-double our efforts internationally in the coming years to ensure that the Millennium Declaration becomes a reality for those still living in poverty. 

"Ireland is making steady progress towards reaching the goal of spending 0.7% of our GNP on overseas development assistance by 2012. 

"We are now the sixth largest aid donor in the world in per capita terms and total Irish spending on overseas development assistance is expected to reach €914m this year."

At the Forum, Danish Ambassador  Henrik Reé Iversen handed Minister Power the "MDG 3 Gender Equality Champion Torch," which  Minister Power in turn passed to Minister   Bitamazire  of  Uganda.  

The initiative by the Danish Government is intended to increase international support for gender equality and women's empowerment. Ireland's acceptance of the Torch signifies this commitment "to do something extra" in the area of gender. Minister of State Power remarked :

"Irish Aid sees the promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment at the heart of efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals'

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