Tuesday April 2, 2008

Bertie Resigns As Taoiseach

On Wednesday, Taoiseach Bertie Ahern announced his resignation from office, effective from May 6th, at a hastily-organized press conference at Government Buildings, Dublin.

Forced from office amid increasing calls for him to go, as a result of the continuing investigations of financial improprieties in the Mahon Tribunal, the Taoiseach denied any wrong-doing, saying that he wanted, "everyone to understand one truth above all else. Never, in all the time I have served in public life, have I put my personal interest ahead of the public good. I have served this country and the people I have the honour to represent in Dáil Éireann honestly. "I have provided more details about my personal finances than any person in public life who has ever held office. While I will be the first to admit that I have made mistakes in my life and in my career, one mistake I have never made is to enrich myself by misusing the trust of the people. "I have never received a corrupt payment and I have never done anything to dishonour any office I have held. I know that some people will feel that some aspects of my finances are unusual. I truly regret if this has caused any confusion or worry in people's minds. All of these issues arose in a period when my family, personal and professional situations were rapidly changing and I made the best decisions I could in the circumstances in which I found myself. I know in my heart of hearts that I have done no wrong and wronged no-one."

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who worked with the Taoiseach on the Northern Peace Process, commented that "Bertie Ahern was a great Taoiseach (prime minister), a leader for whom I had the greatest respect, admiration and friendship. "He will always be remembered for his crucial role in bringing about peace in Northern Ireland, for transforming relations between Britain and the Irish Republic and for presiding over a sustained period of economic and social advance in Ireland."

Irish President Mary McAleese was full of praise for the outgoing Irish leader, saying that, "His contributions to our thriving economy and to peace in Northern Ireland were hugely important and he deserves every credit for the work he has done. "Bertie Ahern will be remembered as one of the outstanding politicians of his generation both nationally and internationally."

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