Tuesday March 26, 2008

Broadband Access Up 12% In 2007

Mobile broadband growth is up 44% in just three months, while total broadband take-up has increased by almost 12%, in the same timeframe.

Last week, ComReg published theirQuarterly Key Data Report, which shows a significant increase in Ireland's broadband subscription figures in the final quarter of 2007.

Commenting on the ComReg Report, Minister Eamon Ryan said, "This latest report is very positive for a number of reasons. Mobile broadband growth is up 44% in just three months, while total broadband take-up has increased by almost 12%, in the same timeframe.

"I am delighted to see that once again, broadband subscription in Ireland has risen considerably. When international statistics are next published, Ireland will have moved up the league-table, with a total of over 886,000 subscribers to broadband services.

"Of particular significance is the huge growth in mobile-broadband take-up. This is evidence that a strong and competitive market for these services is developing, and at a rapid pace.

"While the figures are encouraging, we must however, continue to ensure that we are well-positioned to facilitate broadband roll-out."

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