Tuesday March 26, 2008

Adams - Toward A United Ireland

"Irish reunification is no longer a far off dream but a work in progress. And that work must intensify now and in the time ahead. Republicans must re-popularize the ideals of 1916."

Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has called on all parties who support a united Ireland to work together to achieve it. The West Belfast MP marked the 92nd anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising telling supporters in Dublin that reunification was a work in progress.

"Irish reunification is no longer a far off dream but a work in progress. And that work must intensify now and in the time ahead. Republicans must re-popularize the ideals of 1916," he said.

"We need to especially engage with unionism about the benefits of unity and how we build a shared future based on respect for all traditions," he added.

"The commitment from Sinn Fein is very clear cut. We will continue to press ahead in the battle of ideas, building support for Irish unity and identifying the practical preparations that are needed."

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