Tuesday March 19, 2008

Out & About

Conan O'Brien with Kieran McLoughlin, President of the American Ireland Fund, Loretta Brennan Glucksman, Chairwoman of the American Ireland Fund, and event Co-Chair Pat Tully (

What a week it has and I do mean that in the very best way. It was very hectic with all the events that were happening all over the city and trying to do our best to make them all - I did give it a shot!

First up on Saint Patrick's morning was Mayor Bloomberg's breakfast at Gracie Mansion - then on to the Waldorf Astoria Hotel for the Governor's breakfast sponsored by ICCUSA - what a turnout at the Waldorf. Everyone was there except the Governor and we all know why! I do not think anyone even noticed as we were all having a good time.

No one can say that the Irish do not know how to celebrate and we met a lot of people on our travels...

The Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin T.D. did her best to make every Irish event in the city and spoke at every one of them... good on you Mary. Eamonn's on 45th street hosted the Grand Marshal's Irish breakfast before the parade headed up Fifth Avenue - and what a breakfast, it kept Tommy Smyth and the rest of us going for a few hours... The Knights of St. Patrick hosted a luncheon at the Pierre Hotel on 5th Avenue and in one room you had people from every sector of the Irish community - Bill Burke from Country Bank; Kieran McLoughlin, President of The American Ireland Fund; Ireland-US Council President, Michael Gibbons and his lovely wife Cynthia; Our friend David O'Sullivan, Executive Director of the Ireland-US Council; Brian Stack, CEO, North America, CIE Tours International and in our company was none other that Denis Mulcahy, President of Project Children. We saw Tom Ryan, Chairman & CEO, Ryan International Corporation; Tom Slattery of Empire Merchants - I am sure he tasted some of his products being served on the day!.. Also in the room were four past Grand Marshal's, Connie Doolan; Joe Kennedy; Bill Burke and Tim Rooney - now where would you get that but only in New York?

I walked up the Avenue with my friend Denis Mulcahy right behind this year's Grand Marshal, Tommy Smyth and his family and friends and was I proud to be able to do it - Thank you Tommy.

The parade again was a huge success and all thanks go to John Dunleavy and his Committee who put on one of the best parades ever - Hilary Beirne is the backbone of it all.

We cannot forget to mention, the man for all seasons, our own Irish Consul General in New York, Niall Burgess and his wife Marie who turned up for a lot of the events on the day.

Diarmuid Hogan's St. Patrick's Day party was a big hit again and it was great to see familiar faces like Michael G. Doorley, Chief Administrative Officer for Prudential Financial's International Insurance and Investments Division. We also saw Attracta Lyndon, Vice-President North America, Dooley Car Rentals and of course Mary Pat who has a broken leg! I wonder how that happened? I know it was not horse back riding or golfing!

Diarmuid sang a few songs along with the band and got the crowd going. You had Des O'Brien and his staff preparing the food and the cocktails and a very nice job they did again, making sure everybody got served. Diarmuid's really is the place to be on St. Patrick's Day and what a view from his offices right on 46th street overlooking Fifth Avenue.

Walking around the town I have never seen so much green, it made my heart jump with excitement and we were very proud that we are not forgetting our Irish heritage in this land of opportunity.

On Friday last the Ireland-US Council luncheon at the Metropolitan Club was again one of the top events of the season with the superb Celtic Thunder performing. Council President Michael Gibbons is stepping down in the Fall after some great service as president and will be missed by us all... thank you Michael for all your help and your kindness during your term of office. Another good man following you as President is Denis Swanson.

The Pogues were at the Roseland Ballroom over the weekend and played to packed houses... you also had Red Hurley at Symphony Space, again to a full house. You had Celtic Woman at Radio City Music Hall and Conan O'Brien was honored at the American Ireland Fund Young Leaders St. Patrick's Day Celebration on Friday night at Ciprani, it was all marvelous.

I am still getting over the St. Patrick's Day celebrations and that will probably take a week so please forgive me if I don't see you around in the next few days... See you next week.

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