Tuesday March 19, 2008

Health Minister Supports Tax On Alcohol

"There has not been any significant increase in the price of alcohol since the 1990s so any measures which can cut down on excessive drinking smoking are very helpful."

Increasing alcohol duty rates in the 2008 Budget is an important step in the drive to reducing alcohol misuse, Health Minister, Michael McGimpsey has said. Beer, wine and spirits are all set to rise in price following the Chancellor of the Exchequer's budget last week. In addition, the price of a packet of cigarettes will increase by 11p.

The Minister said: "There has not been any significant increase in the price of alcohol since the 1990s so any measures which can cut down on excessive drinking smoking are very helpful. Tackling alcohol misuse is a key priority for my Department, particularly in young people which is why it is a major element of our New Strategic Direction for Alcohol and Drugs.

"Binge drinking has significant health consequences for everyone, not just our young population. It can lead to an increased risk of violence, accidents, liver disease, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure for men, and certain cancers.

"The damaging effects of smoke on the health of our population is well-known. Each year around 3,000 people in Northern Ireland die because of smoking. It is thought to be the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death and leads to diseases such as lung cancer, heart and respiratory diseases and strokes.

"In recent years we have undertaken a range of measures to address binge drinking and smoking in Northern Ireland including public information campaigns and, of course, the introduction of smoking controls. Government alone cannot tackle this problem, it is up to everyone to act responsibly and take responsibility for their health."

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