Tuesday March 12, 2008

Ronnie McGinn's Poetry Page

If you have a poem you'd like to see published in The Irish Examiner then send it to:

The Poetry Corner
The Irish Examiner USA
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 1462
New York
NY 10165

or, preferably, you can email it direct to

If possible keep your poem to 20 lines. You may choose any subject you like, in any form you like as long as it's original. We look forward to hearing from you.

Having the right feelings at the right times about the right things, towards the right people, for the right reasons and in the right way, is certainly the right condition to be in. Righteousness is a virtue but sometimes a little lubrication gets in the way.

Joseph Thomas McCausland, yet another Irishman with a passion for writing, tells us this poem came "spilling" out after a rather difficult day at the rat race in NYC...

Our second poem this week comes from Simon Urbanski, who moved to Ireland from Poland in 2005.

He wrote "Housewar" during his Business Studies Course (2006/'07) in St. Colman's Community College in Midleton Co. Cork, where he now resides.

At the moment he is in first year in C.I.T. He wrote "Housewar," about a unknown boy having terrible pain which is his life.

He can't leave his room and is not sure what's going on. The abuse went too far and he doesn't realize it.

Simon fully understands that it is not a nice topic for a poem, but unspoken and difficult topics are his inspiration.

He says he likes trying to describe how the situation looks on the other side.

A Longing for a Simpler Time

Sitting here, recliner, motionless
slaughtered from another day,
draining my tumbler of Jameson
the puppet strings of the world I sever
no telephones to speak of
television, a distant possibility....
staring down candlelight, enraptured, lost
envisioning employment at a blacksmith shop
handlebar moustaches and horseback
maidens in fancy dress
granting the spirit more with less
reading passages of the greats
extinguishing lamps with exhalation
fishing lakeside with tree limbs and string
making a catch worthy of the table
take me Lord from this time
there must have been some mistake.

© Joseph Thomas McCausland


Do you life in a shadow?
Do you life in a fear?
Do you sleep with anger?
Is it still so near?

I know you took it all
Here's a war in your mind, nobody wakes you up
Here's a broken heart, no love in the past
Here's a lost soul, no coming back


There's no excuse what has been done
There's no sleeping eye, want to die
There's no loving heart, want to try
I wish I could wake you up
One step back - separate - housewar

You feel kick on your back
You see blood on the face
You see this black and white flash
It's inside your mind - terrible sign
Incredible pain comes back again - housewar

This house is like a cell, there is no escape
There is monster of pain against you like a slave
There is madness around, nobody to fight
There is a boy on the floor, he's squeezing his toy
Paraplegia is killing his legs
Paranoia is killing his head
Hell on the Earth in this messed up world
Between four walls where the door is closed
Nobody ever heard his last words
Inhale, exhale - body is going down - lie down, die
Last tear just fell down on the floor

© Simon Urbanski

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