Tuesday March 12, 2008

Ministers Welcome Completion Of Victoria Square

Ministers welcomed the completion of work on Victoria Square

First Minister Rt Hon Dr Ian Paisley MP MLA, deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness MP MLA and Social Development Minister Margaret Ritchie have welcomed the completion of the £400million Victoria Square Regeneration Scheme in Belfast City Centre.

Speaking at the official opening of the new centre which will provide an estimated 3,000 jobs Dr Paisley said: "This evening's opening marks a brand new chapter in the history of Belfast and Northern Ireland. This magnificent regeneration scheme not only places the city at the top of the UK agenda for retail investment but will help to attract significant investment and prosperity for years to come.

"Victoria Square is a prime example of the public private partnerships which are enabling us to transform the fortunes of our towns and cities across Northern Ireland. Our urban areas are once again becoming the engine of economic and social progress in this Province."

Mr McGuinness said: "Like myself I am sure everyone here has been struck by the magnificent surroundings we find ourselves in this evening."

"They quite literally give concrete expression to the growing optimism, confidence and hope for the future that exists within our society today.

"I want to add my congratulations to all those who have delivered this scheme which is a tribute to Dutch design, German investment, and our own construction and regeneration know-how.

"Multi Development, CGI, Farrans Gilbert Ash and the Department for Social Development should all take a bow for their contributions in delivering the vision of Victoria Square."

Social Development Minister, Margaret Ritchie MLA said: "Belfast is ready to seize the potential for thousands of new jobs from growth in the retail and leisure sectors. The City is proving itself once again as a great destination for retail, offices, leisure and city centre living.

"Belfast has well and truly stepped out of the shadows of its past. Dark, desolate streets have been replaced by a vibrant evening economy creating a bright and modern living experience. Developments such as Victoria Square are bringing a new confidence to our urban centres thanks to the peace dividend."

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