Tuesday March 12, 2008

Ambassador O'Loan Heading To Timor

Ireland's roving ambassador -Nuala O'Loan (P'Call)

This week, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dermot Ahern T.D., said that he anticipated Ireland's new Roving Ambassador, Nuala O'Loan, would travel in the near future to Timor-Leste.

Following a meeting Sunday with Ms O' Loan, who was recently appointed Roving Ambassador for the Conflict Resolution Initiative with the role of Special Envoy to Timor-Leste, Minister Ahern said she faced a demanding task. "I have no doubt she will be more than equal to the task," the Minister said.

Minister Ahern said: "We spoke about the demands of her new job and the development of Ireland's conflict resolution initiative in Timor-Leste. The announcement of her appointment was warmly welcomed by the Government of Timor-Leste during my recent visit to Dili. My decision to appoint as Roving Ambassador a candidate of such skill and experience reflects Ireland's commitment to Timor-Leste, and our desire to be of help in finding a path from conflict to sustainable peace and development."

"She and I today discussed elements of her role, which will be to advise the Government on appropriate measures to assist in peacebuilding and conflict resolution in Timor-Leste. I expect that she will travel to Dili in the near future to assess opportunities for enhanced Irish engagement there."

The role of Nuala O'Loan as Roving Ambassador for Conflict Resolution and Special Envoy to Timor-Leste will be to report to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on opportunities for Irish support for conflict resolution in Timor-Leste.

Ms O'Loan will work closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs, in particular the Anglo-Irish Division, Irish Aid and the Conflict Resolution Unit, which is leading work in the Department on enhancing Irish engagement in conflict resolution activities. The Unit, established in accordance with commitments in the Programme for Government, is leading the development of an Irish Academic Centre for Conflict Resolution, a scheme of postgraduate scholarships in the conflict resolution area, and a Stability Fund to support specific conflict resolution efforts.

Nuala O'Loan was the first Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, serving in that role between 2000 and 2007. She formerly held the Jean Monnet Chair in European Law at the University of Ulster.

The Irish government has a strong commitment to Timor-Leste, which is one of nine Programme Countries prioritised in the allocation of development assistance from Irish Aid. An Irish Representative Office was established in Dili in 2000. Minister Ahern visited Dili on 20-22 February, meeting with Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão and Acting President Fernando de Araujo La Sama, and addressing the National Parliament.

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