Tuesday March 5, 2008

U.S. Delegation Visits The North

Ambassador Paula J Dobriansky (Photocall)

Last week Northern Economy Minister Nigel Dodds welcomed a U.S. business delegation, led by Ambassador Paula J Dobriansky, President Bush's Special Envoy to Northern Ireland, to Queen's University, Belfast.

The Minister hosted a reception for the Ambassador and the latest group of American business representatives to arrive in Northern Ireland, in advance of the May Investment Conference.

Speaking at the Great Hall, Queen's University, Minister Dodds said: "I was able to secure this visit during my last trip to the United States. Visits such as this are key elements in marketing the May conference and in raising awareness, interest and likely participation in the event from Corporate America.

"The importance which the US administration places on the conference is reflected by the presence here, not only of Ambassador Dobriansky, but also by the Head of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Robert Mossbacher."

During their two-day visit, the delegation learned about the growth of R&D and innovation in the Northern Ireland economy.

Ambassador Paula Dobriansky, the U.S. Special Envoy on Northern Ireland and Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs, believes the two day visit will assist with the joint preparations for May's investment conference.

The Ambasador said: "I am delighted to be back in Northern Ireland as part of the U.S. Government's ongoing efforts to showcase the region as an excellent place to do business.

"I am joined by Robert J. Mossbacher Jr., President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and Barbara Matthews, Treasury Attaché at the U.S. Mission to the E.U.

"Collectively, we will be listening to local business leaders and learning more about the economic opportunities that exist in high value employment sectors, such as research and development and innovation.

"Last Friday's announcement that the international hotel group, Marriott International, is set to invest in Belfast, is very encouraging news. This will send strong signals to potential international investors that now is the time to choose Northern Ireland as an investment location. We must build on such achievements and continue to work towards securing more of the same."

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