Tuesday March 5, 2008

Report Highlights Improvements In Northern Hospitals

"Across Northern Ireland there are countless dedicated staff who work hard to deliver clean and safe hospitals. The second audit shows that their efforts are paying off and our hospitals have much higher standards of environmental cleanliness."

Northern Health Minister Michael McGimpsey has said that the majority of acute hospitals in Northern Ireland have shown significantly improved levels of environmental cleanliness.

Thirteen out of the 18 acute hospitals have improved their score from 2006/2007 according to the second audit report into environmental cleanliness which was carried out by consultants KPMG.

Three hospitals, Altnagelvin, Whiteabbey and Ulster, significantly improved their scores from 64%, 61% and 69% (Band 4) to 84%, 87% & 87% respectively (Band 2).

Only one hospital, The Children's Hospital at the Royal Group of Hospitals, fell below a 70% score. Although the patient areas in the hospital were satisfactory, the standard of environmental cleanliness external to the hospital was unsatisfactory which impacted on the overall score. Excluding the external score from the overall total, would have given the hospital a mark of 75% and placed it in Band 3.

The Minister said: "This report is very positive and I am encouraged by the efforts made by the cleaning, maintenance and nursing staff across the health service in the significant improvements made since the last assessment of standards.

"I am particularly encouraged by the significant improvement made at Altnagelvin, Whiteabbey and the Ulster hospitals. I congratulate all staff at these hospitals for the standards they have achieved.

While the report highlighted that standards have improved in the majority of hospitals, the Minister said it also showed that more needed to be done to ensure that high standards are sustained in the fight against hospital associated infections.

He said: "Across Northern Ireland there are countless dedicated staff who work hard to deliver clean and safe hospitals. The second audit shows that their efforts are paying off and our hospitals have much higher standards of environmental cleanliness. However, we require the full co-operation of the public in helping to keep our hospitals clean and tidy.

"By acting responsibly we can all make a real difference. I am confident that through the action that we have already taken and the further measures that are underway, we can continue to improve cleaning and hygiene standards, and thus raise public confidence in the quality of care provided by our hospitals."

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